Assassin Picture of the Week

2013 August 17

Extreme M-dwarf Flare Observed by ASAS-SN

The main scientific goal of ASAS-SN is to find bright nearby supernovae in all kinds of galaxies, big and small. To achieve that, we trigger on new objects (detected using image subtraction, see APOW 2013/07/10), no matter if there is a known galaxy nearby or not. This way, we also find many other interesting transients, including this dramatic case of ASASSN-13cb, an extreme delta V~9 mag (brightening in V-band by a factor of 4,000) flare from an M-dwarf star. As can be seen from the light curve of ASASSN-13cb, such flares last only few hours, but can be very dramatic indeed.

See previous APOWs:

Neptune Discovered!

Multiband photometric follow-up of ASASSN-13aw (SN 2013dr);

"Assassin" Unit 1: Brutus;

How ASAS-SN Discovers Supernovae: Case of Supernova ASASSN-13bb;

NGC 2617: Dramatic Seyfert Type Change;

ASASSN-13/SN 2013da: Our First Supernova Three Weeks Later;

M31 and Companions;

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