Press Materials

2016 January 14

ASASSN-15lh: The Most Powerful Supernova Ever Discovered!

Link to our "Science" paper: ASASSN-15lh: A highly super-luminous supernova

Press releases from individual institutions:

The Ohio State University: Astronomers studying the most powerful supernova ever seen

KIAA-PKU (includes images): Record-Shattering Cosmic Blast

The Kavli Foundation: Record-Shattering Cosmic Blast (the same as above)

PKU (in Chinese): Subo Dong leads an International Team to Discover the Most Powerful Supernova

Carnegie Institution: Discovery: Most-luminous ever supernova

Universidad Diego Portales (in Spanish): Misteriosa Explosión Cósmica es la Supernova Más Luminosa Conocida

SALT: Southern African Large Telescope helps to unveil a record-breaking cosmic blast

LJMU: Record-breaking supernova discovered

Los Alamos National Lab: Machine learning helps discover the most luminous supernova in history

The Virtual Telescope (in Italian): Scoperta ASASSN-15lh: la più luminosa supernova della storia dell’umanità

Selected press coverage (Google News here):

The Columbus Dispatch story here; LA Times story here; Scientific American story here; The Wall Street Journal story here; Smithsonian Magazine story here; The Washington Post story here; Discovery story here; The BBC story here; Reuters story here; NPR story here; El Pais story here; Xinhua News story here; story here; Forbes story here; and many, many more.

This homepage is maintained by Kris Stanek. Updated Fri Jan 15 14:30:09 EST 2016

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