Lecture 10: The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram

Reading: Sections 19.7-19.8


Key Ideas

The Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) Diagram

         Plot of Luminosity vs. Temperature for stars


         Main Sequence

         Giant & Supergiant Branches

         White Dwarfs

Luminosity classes


Review of what we know about Stellar Properties

Large range of Stellar Luminosities

         10-4 to 106 Lsun

Large range of Stellar Radii

         10-2 to 103 Rsun

Modest range of Stellar Temperature

         3000 to > 50,000 K

Moderate range of Stellar Masses

         0.1 to 50 Msun


Reminder: Luminosity-Radius-Temperature Relation

Box 19-4 in the book.


In words: if two stars have the same temperature, the larger one will be more luminous.


Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram


Plot of Luminosity versus Temperature

         Temperature (T) from spectral type

         Luminosity (L) from apparent brightness and distance


Diagram was drawn independently in 1912 by:

         Eijnar Hertzsprung for star clusters (all stars at same distance)

Henry Norris Russell for nearby stars (stars close enough to have good parallax measurements)


It could have turned out that stars could have had any combination of luminosity and temperature. Then if we plotted them up, theyÕd look something like this.


However, when we actually make the plot, we find that stars fall only in

certain areas of the temperature-luminosity plot. See Figure 19-14 as well.



The Major Regions of the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram


Main Sequence


Most nearby stars (85%) lie along a diagonal band called the Main Sequence.

Range of properties

L=10-2 to 106 Lsun

T=3000 to > 50,000 K

R=0.1 to 10 Rsun


The Sun is a Main Sequence Star.


Giants & Supergiants


Stars brighter than Main Sequence stars of the same Temperature.

         Means they must be larger in radius


         R=10-100 Rsun

         L=103-105 Lsun


         R>103 Rsun

                  L=105-106 Lsun


White Dwarfs


Stars on the lower left of the H-R Diagram fainter than Main Sequence stars of the same Temperature

         Means they must be smaller in radius

         L-R-T relation predicts R~0.01 Rsun = about the size of Earth

         These are very unusual objects


Luminosity Classes

Absorption lines are Pressure-sensitive

         Lines broader as the pressure increases

         Larger stars puffier, hence lower pressure


         Larger Stars have Narrower Lines

         Larger Stars are brighter for the same Temperature


Way to assign a luminosity to stars based on their spectra.


Consistency Checkˆ both the L-T-R relation and the spectral classes say that giant and supergiant stars are big. Whew! See Figure 19-16.


Spectral Classes from some well-known stars

Sun G2V

Betelgeuse M2Ib

Rigel B8Ia

Sirius A1V

Aldebaran K5III


H-R Diagram for the Brightest Stars

         Shows that these stars tend to be intrinsically luminous


H-R Diagram for the Nearest Stars

Shows that these stars tend to be intrinsically un-luminous. Lots of G, K and M dwarfs.


Note: if we relied on the brightest stars to tell us about the Universe, we would underestimate the number of low-luminosity dwarfs (both white and red) by a lot!


Mass and the Main Sequence


We know the masses for a few of the stars on the H-R diagram. When we plot the masses of the stars, we see that the main sequence is actually a mass sequence.

More massive stars on the main sequence are hotter, low mass stars are cooler.

Why? This is one of the things our model of how stars work need to explain.



    See also Figure 19-21 in your book


There is a mass-luminosity relation on the main sequence. We can use that + a sample of stars where we get all the stars within a certain distance of the Sun to figure out how many stars of what masses are out there.


Answer: Lots of low-mass stars! Very few high-mass stars. This is something our theory of star formation will need to explain.





1. Why donÕt stars have just any luminosity and temperature?


2. Why is there a distinct Main Sequence?


3. What makes on main-sequence star different from another?


4. Are giants, supergiants, and white dwarfs born that way, or is something else going on?


Patterns on the H-R Diagram are telling us about the internal physics of stars.