Lecture 19: Special Relativity

Readings: Section 24-1 and Box 24-1




         Facts assumed to be true

         Example: the speed of light is the same for all observers


         What happens when moving quickly or in strong gravitational fields

         Example: moving clocks run slow


         Observational proof

         Example: the bending of light by the Sun


         When special or general relativistic equations must be used

         Example:     Special Relativity – fast

                           General Relativity – strong gravitational fields



Key Ideas for Special Relativity:


Central Postulates:

         The laws of physics are the same for all uniformly moving observers

         The speed of light is the same for all observers


         Different observers measure different times, lengths, and masses

         Only spacetime is observer independent


         Michelson-Morley Experiment

Muon decays


                  Many, many particle accelerator experiments


         When an object is moving close to the speed of light relative to you

         When very accurate results are required



NewtonÕs Universe


In NewtonÕs view:

         The Universe keeps absolute time

         Objects move through absolute space

Universe looks the same to all observers, regardless of how they move through it.



A set of laws formulated from the perspective of an absolute ÒGodÕs Eye ViewÓ of the Universe.


EinsteinÕs Challenge


1905:   Einstein challenged NewtonÕs view:

         We cannot take a ÒGodÕs eye-viewÓ of the Universe

         We can only compare our view with that of other observers

         All information we have is carried by light

         But, light moves at a finite speed.



Introduces an irreducible relativity to our physical perspective of the world.


Seeing the World


All information about the Universe is carried by light.


Speed of Light:  c=299,792.458 km/s

Compared to everyday scales

         65 mph=0.028 km/s=9.3 x10-8 c

         light travels across this room in ~30 nanoseconds

         human reflexes: ~0.1 sec (108 nanoseconds)




Definition of a postulate: An idea that is assumed to be true.

Not just observed to be true in experiments. A fundamental statement about the way the world has to be.

If a postulate is proven to be untrue, then large parts of theory can be put in doubt.

Many experimental tests of the postulates have been done.


1st Postulate of Relativity


The laws of physics are the same for all uniformly moving observers.


(ÒUniformlyÓ = Òwith a constant velocityÓ)



         No such things as Òabsolute restÓ

Any uniformly moving observer can consider themselves to be Òat restÓ


Uniformly moving observers (examples)

         Traveling on a moving sidewalk

         In an airplane or car moving smoothly


Laws of Physics are the same

A game of pool played in your house, on the moving sidewalk, or in the place would be the same. The laws of physics (conservation of momentum, F=ma, etc) will work both places as will an observer watching the pool game go by on the moving sidewalk.


Counterexample: accelerating in a car or plane. Here the laws of physics, in particular NewtonÕs Law of Inertia, does not appear to hold. All the balls will appear, without an outside force, to rush to one end of the table.


Every observer would agree about the laws of physics in every frame.


No experiment you can perform can tell you whether you are in the stationary or the moving frame.


The Laws of Physics are Universal


One of the great advances of Galileo/Newton was to expand the reach of the laws of physics.


The power of physics comes from its universality. ÒLawsÓ that only work on the third Thursday of the month in MP 4025 are pretty useless.



2nd Postulate of Relativity


The speed of light in a vacuum is the same for all observers, regardless of their motion.



         The speed of light is a Universal Constant

         We cannot send or receive information faster than the speed of light

         Cosmic speed light


Experimentally verified in all cases


Reminder: Light is an Electromagnetic Wave


Traveling Waves

Waves on Earth travel in a medium

         Water waves: water

         Sound waves: air

         Earthquakes: earth


No medium, no wave

By moving through the medium yourself, you can experience a different speed for the wave. Example: running into or away from ocean waves.


But what is the medium that light travels in?


Thought to be the ÒetherÓ, a medium that was at absolute rest


Motion through the ether would affect the speed of light.


Michelson-Morley Experiment


A really cool experiment to test whether the ether existed and whether it affected the speed of light.


It used the motion of the Earth through the ether to test its effect.


Analogy: swimming perpendicular or parallel to the ocean shore.



It found no difference in the speed of light going with the motion of the Earth through the ether vs. the speed of light going perpendicular to the ether. Ether does not exist! Light does not need a medium to travel in.


The Consequences of the Constancy of the Speed of Light

Unlike waves that travel in a medium, we cannot change the observed speed of light.

Therefore we can only change the length and time we observe

Leads to

         Length contraction

                  Moving objects are shorter

         Time dilation

                  Moving clocks run slow




Essential Relativity


Two observers moving relative to each other experience the world differently:

         Both measure the same speed of light

         Both find the same physical laws relating distance, time, mass, etc.


But, both measure different distances, times, masses, etc. when applying those laws.


The key is the role of light.


How do you measureÉ..?


Time: it is not absolute. You need to define how you measure it precisely. The period of a pendulum? The return of a light beam?


Length: it is not absolute either. At rest, measuring length is easy: compare it with a yardstick, etc. How do you measure something moving? Example: time it takes to pass you x the speed it is traveling.


Implication: A Real Speed Limit


Imagine that you start running at the same time your friend turns on a flashlight. You are racing a beam of light. Can you win?


NO! You can view this as you are standing still and the whole world is running past you. And the speed of light you measure is always the same = faster than you standing still.