Lecture 3: Matter

Reading: Section 5-7

Key Ideas


Fundamental Particles

         Matter and Anti-matter

Structure of Atoms

         Nucleus of protons & neutrons orbited by electrons

         Elements, Isotopes, & Radioactivity


Structure of Molecules

State of Matter

         Effects of temperature


Range of Ordinary Matter

       Fundamental particles (quarks & leptons)

         Subatomic particles: protons, neutrons, & electrons

         Single atoms (hydrogen, helium, gold, etc.)

         Simple molecules (O2, H2O)

         Macromolecules (DNA, complex polymers)

         Macroscopic objects (rocks, people, planets É)

Ordinary matter is mostly in the form of atoms and molecules


Fundamental & Subatomic Particles

Protons and neutrons

         Made of up quarks

         Proton – 2 up and 1 down quarks

         Neutron – 1 up and 2 down quarks



A zoo of other particles, such as neutrinos, pions, D mesons, etc. which are of vast interest to particle physicists


Matter and Anti-matter


Each particle has an Òanti-particleÓ.


This Òanti-particleÓ has

         the same mass as the particle

         the opposite charge (if possible)


Proton – Anti-proton

Neutron – Anti-neutron



When matter and anti-matter encounter each other, they annihilate and produce energy.


Image of electron & positron in bubble chamber under a magnetic force


Same mass, opposite charge


Apparently appear out of nowhere



Energy & Matter




Matter can be turned into energy, for example electron and positron can annihilate.


Energy can be turned into matter, for example two photons can combine to create an electron-positron pair.


How much energy is needed per photon to make an electron-positron pair?


Use equations:



Find l=0.0006 nanometers


This is a gamma-ray. Very energetic!




Nucleus of heavy subatomic particles:

         Proton: positively charged

         Neutron: uncharged (neutral)

Electrons orbiting the nucleus:

         Negatively charged particles

         1/1836th the mass of a proton

Atoms are mostly empty space:

         Only 1 part in 1015 of space is occupied

         The rest of the volume is threaded by electromagnetic fields


Chemical Elements


Distinguish atoms into Elements by the number of protons in the nucleus.


Atomic Number:

         1 proton=Hydrogen

         2 protons=Helium

         3 protons=Lithium É and so on

Numbers of electrons = Numbers of protons for neutral atoms


Periodic Table: See Box 5-5 in your book


Some Abbreviations

Hydrogen – 1 proton – ÒHÓ

Helium – 2 protons – ÒHeÓ

Carbon – 6 protons – ÒCÓ

Nitrogen – 7 protons – ÒNÓ

Oxygen – 8 protons – ÒOÓ

Iron – ÒFeÓ




Known Elements

o     117 elements are currently known

o     87 are metals

o     11 are gasses

o     2 occur as liquids (Bromine & Mercury)

o     26 are natural radioactive elements

o     24 are only made in particle accelerators (on Earth)

In addition, each element can have a number of different isotopes.


Top Ten Most Abundant Elements

10) Sulfur

9) Magnesium

8) Iron

7) Silicon

6) Nitrogen

5) Neon

4) Carbon

3) Oxygen

2) Helium

1) Hydrogen


Explaining the formation of the elements is one of the triumphs of modern astrophysics.



A given element can have many isotopes

         Same number of protons

         Different number of neutrons


Example: Carbon Isotopes

12C has 6 protons and 6 neutrons

13C has 6 protons and 7 neutrons

14C has 6 protons and 8 neutrons


Chemically identical, but different masses



If a nucleus has too many or too few neutrons, it is unstable to radioactive decay



3H  ˆ 3He+e-+ne

14C ˆ 14N+e-+ne


Free neutrons are unstable


nˆ p+e-+ne




Neutral atoms have the same number of electrons orbiting the nucleus as there are protons in the nucleus.

Ionized atoms have unequal numbers of electrons and protons. Usually there are fewer electrons than protons, because one or more electrons have been knocked out.

Notation for different ionization states:

He for neutral helium

He+ for singly ionized helium (2 protons, 1 electron)

He++ for doubly ionized helium (2 protons, 0 electrons)




Two or more atoms held together by electromagnetic forces


Examples of common molecules

H2O – water

CO – carbon monoxide

CO2 – carbon dioxide

O3 – ozone

NH3 – ammonia


Binding Energies


Some forms of matter are more tightly bound than others. It takes more energy to pry them apart.



From lowest to highest binding energy:




         Protons and Neutrons



Temperature is a measurement energy content of an object


Higher temperature means higher average vibrational energy per atom or molecule


Higher temperature means more average kinetic energy (faster speeds) per atom or molecule.


Cold to Hot


In cold conditions, even particles that are weakly bound can survive, such as molecules and neutral atoms.


As the environmental gets hotter, molecules break apart into atoms, atoms become ionized, etc. and in the most extreme cases, protons & neutrons dissolve into quarks. The energy to break them apart comes from the other rapidly moving particles slamming into them or from energetic photons heating the material.


Atoms and Molecules


An atom of certain element can be changed into a different element through nuclear processes.


A molecule can be changed through chemical processes (changing the bounds between the atoms)


It takes much less energy for chemical reactions than for nuclear reactions (molecules are much less tightly bound)


Nuclear reactions are important in stars and will be the focus of most of our discussions of reactions. Chemical reactions are important in cooler regions, such as star forming clouds.


Another example of the difference between molecules or atoms: poisoning with arsenic and cyanide.