Lecture 32: The Expanding Universe

Readings: Sections 26-5 and 28-2


Key Ideas

Measuring the Distances to Galaxies and Determining the Scale of the Universe

Distance Methods:

         Trigonometric Parallaxes

         Spectroscopic Parallaxes

         Cepheid Period-Luminosity Relation

         Galaxy Standard Candles

         Galaxy Luminosities


HubbleÕs Law:

         Galaxies are receding from us

         Recession velocity gets larger with distance

Hubble Parameter

         Present-day rate of expansion of the Universe

Cosmological Redshifts

         Due to the expansion of space

         Redshift distances

         Redshift maps of the Universe


The Distance Problem (again!)

Cepheid P-L relation is good but limited:

         Limit ~30-40 Mpc (and thatÕs with the Hubble Space Telescope)

         Very laborious to use (100Õs of HST orbits)

         Only works for Spiral or Irregular galaxies

                  Cepheids found in young star clusters

                  Ellipticals have only old stars

         Only practical out to the Virgo Cluster

         This is only just next-door in cosmic terms


Need other methods to estimate very large cosmic distances.

Large distances=many light years away=the Universe at a very young age


Mapping the Universe    

No single distance method is universal.

Must work up towards large distances.

Bootstrap Process:

         Build up from near to far

         Each step calibrates the next step

         Errors made in first steps affect the accuracy of all following steps


The Distance Ladder


See Figure 26-12


Step 1: The Astronomical Unit

1 AU = Mean Earth-Sun Distance

Method: Geometric Triangulation

         Radar bounced off inner planets

         Orbits of planets give the geometry

         Works out to ~50 AU

Permits measurement of:

         Trigonometric Parallaxes to nearby stars


Step 2: Trigonometric Parallaxes

Calibrated by the AU (size of EarthÕs orbit)

Method: Stellar Parallaxes

         Use Earth as the baseline

         Ground-based: works out to ~100 pc

         Hipparcos: works out to ~1000 pc

Permits measurement of:

         Luminosities of nearby stars

         Distances to nearby star clusters


Step 3: Spectroscopic Parallaxes

Calibrated by Trigonometric Parallaxes

Method: Spectroscopic Parallaxes

         Relate spectral type to luminosity in calibrated H-R Diagram

         Works OK for indvidual stars

         Works best for clusters of stars

Permits measurement of

         Distance to star clusters out to ~50-60 kpc

         Just reaches out the Large Magellanic Cloud


Step 4: Cepheids

Calibrated by cluster H-R diagrams

Method: Period-Luminosity Relation

         Cepheids: supergiants in young clusters

         Calibrate the Cepheid Period-Luminosity relation in the LMC

Cepheids give distances to

         Nearby spiral galaxies out to 30-40 Mpc

Only works for spirals (need Pop I stars)


Step 5: Galaxy Standard Candles

Now that we can measure the distances to nearby spiral galaxies, we need to find a way to measure distances to distant galaxies.

Look for bright standard candles found in both spiral and elliptical galaxies

         Type Ia Supernova explosions

         Planetary Nebula luminosity distribution

         Globular cluster luminosity distribution


Calibrated by

         Cepheid Period-Luminosity distances

         Nearby similar objects (from other steps)


Variety of techniques get used

         Mix and match to seek consistent results

         All rely on previous steps, especially Step 4

         Argue endlessly about the details


Bottom Line

         Works out to 50-100 Mpc, depending on method

         Gives distances out to Virgo and Coma clusters


Step 6: Galaxy Luminosities


Calibrated by the Virgo Cluster distance


         Assume distant galaxies are like nearby ones

Use correlations between luminosity & distance-independent properties of galaxies

Compute luminosity distances using the entire galaxy

Tully-Fisher Relation for Spirals

         Galaxy Luminosity-Rotation Speed relation

Measure rotation speed from 21-cm radio emission (distance independent)

Fundamental Plane Relation for Ellipticals:

         Galaxy Luminosity – Line Width – Size relation

         Measure absorption-line widths from spectra (distance independent)


Current Status


Current critical areas:

Distance to the LMC, which calibrates the extragalactic Cepheid P-L relation

       Refinement of other standard candles, especially Type I supernovae

         Search for new geometrical methods



The Expanding Universe


Discovery of Expansion

1914-22: Vesto Slipher, working at Lowell Observatory, measured radial velocities from spectra of 25 galaxies


         21 of the 25 galaxies showed a redshift

         speeds of some > 2000 km/sec

Most of these galaxies appear to be rapidly receding away from us


HubbleÕs Discovery

1929: Edwin Hubble measured the distances to 25 galaxies

         Used Cepheids in Andromeda & Local Group

         Used brightest stars in other galaxies

         Compared distances and recession velocities


         Recession velocity gets larger with distance


Systematic expansion of the Universe


See Figure 26-15


HubbleÕs Law



v=recession velocity in km/sec

d=distance in Mpc

H0= expansion rate today (Hubble Parameter)


In words:

         The more distant a galaxy, the faster its recession velocity


Only good for galaxies that are Òin the Hubble flowÓ, that is, whose motions arenÕt dominated by random ÒpeculiarÓ velocities. This formula does not work for Andromeda, for example.



HubbleÕs Law demonstrates that the Universe is expanding in a systematic way:

The more distant a galaxy, the faster it appears to be moving away from us.

Hubble Parameter: Rate of expansion today


         Empirical result – based only on data

         Not an exact law


Nature of the Expansion

General Expansion of Space

All observers in different galaxies see the same expansion around them.

No center – all observers appear to be at the center

What is the recession velocity?

         NOT motions through spaceÉ

         Expansion of space: galaxies carried along

Figure 28-3


Hubble Parameter: H0

Measures the rate of expansion today


Based on Hubble Space Telescope observations of Cepheids in nearby galaxies

         H0 is hard to measure:

Recession speeds are easy to measure from the shifts of spectral lines

But distances are very hard to measure

Galaxies also have extra motions


Cosmological Redshifts

All galaxies (with very few exceptions) are receding from us.

Recession is quantified in terms of the Òcosmological redshiftÓ of the galaxy, z.



Not a Doppler shift: measures expansion of spacetime, not motions through space.

As the Universe expands, recession velocities gets larger, light waves get stretched and redder

ÒCosmological RedshiftÓ of light

Figure 28-4


Step 7: Redshift Distances

For nearby galaxies, redshift (z) is directly proportional to the distance through the Hubble Law




c=speed of light


This formula is only valid for relatively nearby galaxies.


         Measure the redshift of a galaxy with spectra

         Use the estimate of the Hubble Parameter

Assume pure ÒHubble ExpansionÓ or attempt to statistically correct for random galaxy motions.

Allows us to probe the Universe on the largest observable scales.



         Value of H0 is only known at 10%

         Need to know the distances from other methods first to measure H0

Random motions of galaxies affects measurements of z for nearby galaxies

At large distances, the conversion between z and distance is much more complicated.

Astronomers use cosmological redshift as a surrogate for distance, especially for more distant galaxies.


Mapping the Universe

Map the distribution of galaxies using their cosmological redshifts.

Largest maps include ~250,000 galaxies

         Reveals sheets and filaments of galaxies surround great voids

         Depth is ~500-600 Mpc

Relative distances are good, but the absolute scale is only known to ~10%

See Figure 26-22


HubbleÕs Law & its Discontents

Ideally, we could just use the Hubble Law:



At least nearby, all you need to measure is the cosmological redshift, z.


         What is H0?