Lecture 35: The Whispers of Creation: Testing the Big Bang

Readings: Section 28-4, 28-5 and 29-5


Key Ideas

Fundamental Tests of the Big Bang

Primordial Nucleosynthesis

         Primordial Deuterium & Helium

         Primordial Light Elements (Li, B, Be)

Cosmic Background Radiation

         Relic blackbody radiation from Big Bang

         Temperature today: T=2.725 +/- 0.001K


The Three Pillars of the Big Bang


Expansion of the Universe

         Explains the observed Hubble Law

         Age is consistent with ages of the oldest stars

Primordial Nucleosynthesis

         Creation of the original light elements

         Deuterium (2H), Helium, traces of Li, Be & B

Cosmic Background Radiation:

         Relic blackbody radiation from hot early phases


The Hot Big Bang


What we see Now:

         The Universe is cold & low density

Galaxies (matter) are getting further apart as space expands between them.

As the Universe expands, it cools further

In the past:

         Universe was smaller, hotter, & denser


Is there any evidence of this early hot, dense phase in the past?


Where Did Helium come from?


Metal-rich stars (such as the Sun)

         70% H, 28% He & ~ 2% metals

         Metals come from earlier supernovae (& AGB stars)

Metal-poor stars (=old stars):

         75% H, 25% He, & < 0.01% metals


Where did all the He in metal-poor stars come from?

If from the first stars, where are all the metals that would have formed along with it?

         HavenÕt found a pure H star, cloud, anything. Always He as well.


Primordial Nucleosynthesis


When the Universe was only 1 second old:

         Temperature: 10 Billion K

         Too hot for atomic nuclei to exist

         Only protons, neutrons, electrons & photons

         1 neutron for every 5 protons

General hot, dense soup of subatomic particles & photons

         As it expanded, it cooled off


Primordial Deuterium Formation


When the Universe was 2 minutes old:

         Temperature dropped to 1 Billion K

Neutrons & protons fuse into Deuterium (2H)

         All of the free neutrons go into making deuterium nuclei

         Leftover protons stay free as 1H nuclei

         Proportions: about 1 2H for every 4 protons (1H)


Soup of mostly 1H and 2H along with a mix of photons, electrons & other particles.


Primordial Helium Formation


Most of the 2H fuses to form 4He nuclei

         Other reactions make 3He, Li, Be and B in very tiny quantities.

When the Universe was 4 minutes old:

         Much of the deuterium turned in 4He

         Left with tiny traces of deuterium and other light elements


The Universe cooled so much that fusion stopped.




When Primordial Nucleosynthesis stopped:












Information about Dark Matter

The amount of 2H is extremely sensitive to the density of ÒbaryonicÓ=ordinary matter


The higher the density of baryonic matter, the lower the predicted amount of 2H out of the Big Bang


The relatively high amount of 2H shows that all of the dark matter cannot be baryonic.


Current Status


Predictions of Primordial Nucleosynthesis agree well with current observations:



         Need refinement of the primordial abundances

         Very difficult observations to make.

         Need to look at high redshift or areas with little star pollution


         Need to know average density of p&n

         Light-element reaction rates need refinement


The Hot Early Universe

After Nucleosynthesis, the Universe stays hotter than 3000 K for a long time

         Electrons & nuclei cannot combine to form neutral atoms

         Universe remains fully ionized

         Free electrons easily scatter photons

Universe is opaque to light during this time.

         Filled with a hot ionized ÒfogÓ of ions & free electrons


Blackbody Radiation


The Early Universe is filled with a hot opaque ionized gas:

         Has a perfect blackbody spectrum

         With a characteristic temperature, T

As the Universe expands, it cools:

         Photons redshift

         The peak of the spectrum shifts redward     

         The blackbody temperature drops


Epoch of Recombination


When the Universe is ~300,000 years old

Temperature drops below 3000 K:

         Electrons & nuclei combine to form atoms

         Not enough free electrons to scatter photons

Universe suddenly becomes transparent:

         Photons stream out through space

         Photon Spectrum: 3000 K blackbody


Cosmic Background Radiation


After Recombination, the Universe is filled with diffuse, ÒrelicÓ blackbody radiation.


As the Universe expands further:

         Blackbody photons redshift      

Spectrum peak shifts to redder wavelengths, and hence cooler temperatures


By today, the spectrum is redshifted by a factor ~1000 down to T~3K




1965: Penzias & Wilson (Bell Labs)

         Mapping sky at microwave wavelengths

         Found a faint microwave background noise

First thought it was equipment problems (noisy amplifiers, pigeons in the antenna)

Finally determined it was cosmic in origin


Won the Nobel Prize in 1978 for discovering the Cosmic Background Radiation


But, is it Blackbody Radiation?


The Big Bang model makes very specific predictions:

         The spectrum is a perfect blackbody

         Characterized by a single temperature



Need to work with very cold instruments at the South Pole, high altitude or in orbit

Experiments with balloons, rockets, radio antennas, and satellites


See Figure 28-7


Spectacular Confirmation


Current data all spectacularly confirm the predictions of the Big Bang

         Perfect blackbody spectrum

         A single temperature T=2.725=0.001K

         Uniformly fills the Universe


Fine structure at a part in 105 level is related to the large-scale structure we see in the galaxy distribution

         Currently an object of intense study

         See Figure 28-14


Evidence for the Big Bang


Expansion of the Universe: CONFIRMED

         HubbleÕs Law

         Age is consistent with the oldest stars

Primordial Nucleosynthesis: CONFIRMED

         Deuterium & Helum in the right amounts

Cosmic Background Radiation: CONFIRMED

         Perfect blackbody with a single temperature