Lecture 41: Science Fact or Science Fiction?

Intelligent Life in the Universe


Four Opinions:

1. It is highly likely that intelligent life has arisen elsewhere in the Universe.

2. There is no evidence of extraterrestrial visits to the Earth, now or in the past.

3. Lack of visits may be explained by the extreme difficulty of interstellar travel.

4. If we do make contact, it will be by receiving radio signals.


Basic Requirements for Life



         Warmth to permit liquid water (liquid methane?)

         Energy to fuel chemical reactions

Complex chemistry

         Elements heavier than H and He

         Carbon as building blocks for complex molecules

Protection from harmful UV light

         Mutations inhibit emergence of complex life

         Ozone layer, underwater, or underground


Extreme Life on Earth


Dark Life

Bacteria that thrive many kilometers beneath the Earth or deep in polar ice.

Hot Life

Microbes surviving in boiling geysers, pools and deep ocean thermal vents

On the Moon:

         Strep bacteria survived 3 years on the lunar surface!




Life in the Solar System?


         May have liquid water and a thicker atmosphere in the past


         Liquid water ocean warmed by tides

         Protected by outer shell of ice


         Methane chemistry

         Complex molecules present


Each may satisfy the basic requirements for life to develop


What do we mean by ÒIntelligentÓ

This usually means:

         A highly advanced technological civilization

         Capable of communicating across interstellar distances

         Capable of interstellar travel by spacecraft

         Interested in finding and communicating with other intelligences.


In other words: life like us.


Do we qualify as ÒIntelligentÓ?

Just barely:

         Only had radio communications technology for ~100 years

         Only had limited (short-duration) manned spaceflight for ~40 years.

Only sent robotic spacecraft to the edges of our Solar System in the last decade

May or may not yet have sufficiently sensitive radio reception technology


Sheer Weight of Numbers

The primary reason I think life must have arisen elsewhere is the sheer number of stars in the visible Universe:

         ~200 billion galaxies in the visible Universe

         ~100 billion stars per galaxy


Total of ~2x1022 (20 billion trillion) stars

Even one chance in a trillion would yield more than 20 billion possible sites for life.


Planetary Requirements for Life

Long-lived, stable star

         Good: F, G, &K stars: last > 3 Gyr

Bad: O, B & A stars: short-lived, high UV output (damaging to organic molecules)

Bad: M stars: small & dim, powerful flaring

Stable orbital environment

         Excludes more binary star systems

Metals=chemically evolved environment

         Need metals to make rocky planets

         Need carbon for complex molecules


The Drake Equation



N=number of advanced civilizations in the Galaxy

R*=rate at which Sun-like stars form

fp=fraction of stars with planetary systems

ne=number of Earth-like planets per system

fl=fraction of Earth-like planets with life

fi=fraction where intelligent life has evolved

fc=fraction with communication technology

L=lifetime of an advanced civilization


Measurement and Conjecture


Only the first 3 terms of the Drake Equation can be measured by astronomers:

         Star formation rate:

         R*~ 1 per year (F, G, & K stars)

Fraction of Stars with Planets

         fp~ 0.1-0.2 from recent planet searches

ne number of Earth-like planets per system may be measurable in the next few years

The rest are purely conjectural


Shameless Optimism

One very optimistic view:

         ne=0.1 (1 in 10 solar systems have earths)

       fl=1 (if earth-like, life is inevitable)

         fi= (if life, intelligence is inevitable)

         fc= (if intelligence, technology is inevitable)

         L=100 years (we made it this farÉ.so farÉ.)



Extraterrestrial Visitations? No.


ÒExtraordinary claims require extraordinary proofÓ

No extraordinary proof has been offered:

         Fuzzy photographs

         Anecdotal accounts of visits & abductions

         Claims of government conspiracies

         These do not count

There are unexplained sightings, but failure to explain them does not justify a leap to a truly wild explanations.


Where are they?

The extreme difficulty of interstellar travel is a plausible explanation of a lack of visits.

The distances between stars are enormous:

         Need very large amounts of time or

         Extremely large amounts of energy

The fastest spacecraft: Voyager 1&2

         Outward bound at 15 km/sec (0.005% c)

         Need 80,000 years to reach the nearest stars



Relativistic Starships

Accelerate a starship to near-light speeds

         Need 0.1c to reach nearest star in 50 years

Energy costs are enormous

Amount of fuel increases exponentially with the acceleration time (use more fuel at first)

         50% max efficiency for matter/anti-matter fuel

         But the production efficiency is extremely low


Possible given a sufficiently advanced technology?


Talk is Cheap! (and travels at the speed of light)


If you really want to bridge interstellar distances, use light to send messages.

         Messages travel at the speed of light

         Very low energy cost per message

What wavelengths to use?

Microwaves 1000-10000 MHz is a region of relatively low cosmic background ÒnoiseÓ

Lasers at visible to IR wavelengths: very few natural lasers in the sky to cause confusion


Earth is already on-the-air


We have been inadvertently beaming radio signals into space for the last 80 years:

         Radio broadcasts from the 1920s onward

         Television broadcasts from the 1950s onward

         We could detect these with current technology


Episodes of ÒI Love LucyÓ will have already reached most solar neighborhood stars (~40 light years)É is this a good thing?


Increasing radio silence


EarthÕs radio brightness has been decreasing

         Introduction & spread of cable TV

Increased use of ÒdirectedÓ communication (e.g., fiber optics, beamed satellite, etc.)

Sufficiently advanced civilizations may emit less Òwaste radioÓ & become radio quiet:

If a civilization wants to be found, it may have to deliberately broadcast its presence.


The SearchÉ



         Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence

A relatively inexpensive search strategy to look for radio signals from extraterrestrial civilizations.

         Phoenix project of the SETI Institute

         Optical & Microwave SETI at Harvard

         Various smaller projects


What are we looking for?


Signals that appear ÒartificialÓ

Very narrow ÒbandwidthÓ (<300 Hz, the narrowest natural maser sources)

         Pulsed signals (common way to encode information)

         Highly polarized signals (another encoding scheme)

         Very little frequency ÒdriftÓ

So far, no detectionsÉ


Pioneer 10 detected. Nice to know we can detect our own artificial signals from deep space.


What if we detect something?