Lecture 9: Stellar Spectra

Readings: Section 19-4, 19-5, and 19-8


Key Ideas


Color of a star depends on its Temperature

         Red Stars are Cooler

         Blue Stars are Hotter

Spectral Classification

         Classify stars by their spectral lines

         Spectral differences are due to Temperature

Spectral Sequence (Temperature Sequence)

O  B  A  F  G  K  M  L  T

Luminosity Classes

Chemical Composition


WienÕs Law


Relates peak wavelength and temperature



In words: ÒHotter objects are BLUERÓ

                ÒCooler objects are REDDERÓ

See Figure 19-7


Colors of Stars

Stars are hot, dense balls of gas

         Continuous spectrum from the lowest visible layers (ÒphotosphereÓ_

         Approximates a blackbody spectrum with a single temperature

From WienÕs Law, we expect:

         Hotter stars appear BLUE (T=10,000-50,000K)

         Middle stars appear YELLOW (T~6000K)

         Cool stars appear RED (T~3000K)


Spectra of Stars

Hot dense lower photosphere of a star is surrounded by thinner (but hot) atmosphere

         Produces an Absorption-Line Spectrum superimposed on a Continuous Spectrum

         Lines come from the elements in the stellar atmosphere

Can we use stellar spectra to distinguish among different types of stars?


We can identify lines in a stellar spectrum by comparing their wavelengths with spectra of elements we observe in the laboratory.


Spectral Classification of Stars


1866: Angelo Secchi observed the spectra of ~4000 stars

         Divided them into 4 broad classes by common spectral absorption features

1886-1897 Henry Draper Memorial Survey at Harvard

         Led by Edward Pickering

         Objective prism photograph of the sky from Harvard and Arequipa, Peru

Spectra of 220,000 stars:

         Hired women as ÒcomputersÓ to analyze the stellar spectra


Harvard Classification (1890)


Edward Pickering & Willamina Fleming made a first attempt to classify ~10,000 stars by their spectra.

         Sorted by Hydrogen absorption-line strength

         Spectral Type ÒAÓ = strongest Hydrogen lines

         Followed by types B,C,D, etc. (weaker)


         The other lines didnÕt fit into this sequence


Annie Jump Cannon


In 1901, Annie Jump Cannon noticed that stellar temperature was the principal distinguishing feature:

         Re-ordered the ABC types by temperature

         Many classes thrown out as redundant

Left with 7 primary classes:




Later work added the classes R, N, and S.


Stellar Spectral Sequence


See Figure 19-11 and figure below




Henry Draper Catalog of Stars


Cannon further refined the spectral classification system by dividing the classes into numbered subclasses


For example, A was divided into

         A0  A1  A2  A3  É. A9


Between 1911 and 1924, she classified about 220,000 stars, published as the Henry Draper Catalog.


New Spectral Types: L&T


Coolest stars (<2500K) discovered by recent digital all-sky surverys


L stars:

         Temperatures ~1300-2500K

         Strong lines of metal hydrides & neutral metals

T dwarfs

         Strong Methane (CH4) bands, like Jupiter

         Most likely failed stars (ÒBrown DwarfsÓ)


Cecilia Payne Gaposhkin


Harvard graduate student in 1920s

1925 Ph. D. dissertation was a classic


         First comprehensive theoretical interpretation of spectra

         Based on the then new atomic physics


Showed that stars are mostly Hydrogen and Helium with traces of all of the other metals.


The Spectral Sequence


O  B  A  F  G  K  M  L  T


Hottest                          Coolest

50,000K  §--------------ˆ 1300K

Bluest                           Reddest


Spectral Sequence is a TEMPERATURE sequence


A Mnemonic for the Spectral Sequence:


One Big Apple From Georgia Killed My Little Turtle




The Spectral Sequence is a Temperature Sequence


Differences among the spectral types are due to differences in Temperature


What lines you see depends primarily on the state of excitation and ionization of the gas.


These are determined primarily by the Temperature of the gas.



         Composition differences are relatively unimportant

         Differences in temperature matter the most


Absorption Lines


Electron absorbs a photon with exactly the energy needed to jump from a lower to a higher orbital.

         Only photons with the exact excitation energy are absorbed.

         All others pass through unabsorbed


Example: Hydrogen Lines

Visible Hydrogen absorption lines come from the first excited state of Hydrogen (n=2)


B Stars (11,000-30,000 K):

         Most of the H is ionized, so only very weak H lines in visible


A Stars (7500-11,000K)

         Ideal excitation conditions, strongest H lines in visible.


G stars (5200-5900 K)

         Too cool, little excited H, so only weak H lines in the visible



Line strengths diagram shown in Figure 19-12


Modern Synthesis: The M-K System


In 1943, Morgan & Keenan added the Luminosity Class as a second classification parameter:

         Ia = Bright Supergiants

         Ib = Supergiants

         II = Bright Giants

         III = Giants

         IV = Subgiants

         V = Dwarfs


Luminosity Classification


Absorption lines are Pressure-sensitive:

         Lines get broader as the pressure increases.

         Larger stars are puffier, which means lower pressure, so that

                  Larger Stars have Narrower Lines


Since larger stars are brighter at a given temperature, this measures relative stellar luminosity for stars of the same temperature.


See Figure 19-15


Full Spectral + Luminosity Classification of Stars:



         G2V (ÒG dwarfÓ)


Winter Sky:

         Betelgeuse: M2 Ib star (ÒRed SupergiantÓ)

         Rigel: B8 Ia star (ÒBlue SupergiantÓ)

         Sirius: A1V star (ÒA dwarfÓ)

         Aldebaran: K5 III star (ÒRed GiantÓ)


Why is this Important?

Spectral classification provides a way to estimate the physical characteristics of stars by comparing their spectral features.

Spectral differences primarily reflect differences in the temperatures of the stellar atmospheres.

A starÕs spectrum uniquely locates the star within the overall sequence of stellar properties.

Powerful tool for understanding the physics of stars.


Example: the Effects of Dust


There is gas and dust in between the stars. Dust particles are very small and scatter blue light more efficiently than red light.


Most stars appear to be REDDER than they really are.


A starÕs color no longer tells you its tempertuare.


But the spectrum still does!


Chemical Composition


We can also determine the abundances of many elements in stars by using the Òatomic fingerprintsÓ seen in spectral absorption lines.


We first determine

         (1) the starÕs temperature (spectral class)

         (2) the starÕs surface density (luminosity class)


Once these are known, we can then estimate the abundance of any elements that have absorption lines in a stellar spectrum!


We find that most stars in the Galaxy have a composition very similar to that of the Sun (70% H, 28% He and 2% everything else.)

But, very interestingly, there are stars that deficient in the abundances of all elements heavier than He compared to the Sun.