Posters from the 189th AAS meeting, January 1997:
96.09 Direct Distances to Nearby Galaxies. I. New Variables in M31
K. Z. Stanek, J. Kaluzny, M. Mateo, J. Tonry

96.10 Direct Distances to Nearby Galaxies. II. New Variables in M33
D. D. Sasselov, M. Krockenberger, K. Z. Stanek, J. Kaluzny

Many people asked me (K. Z. Stanek) at the AAS meeting about the software used to make our great looking posters (in their display version, not the one presented here). I used the assemble Perl script written by Robert Lupton (, which takes individual PostScript files and creates one file out of them. You may also find useful an actual input file used by the assemble, and also a LaTeX file used to create the individual parts of the poster. The title is created with title.tex file. Also have a look at an actual (scale 1:4) PostScript poster created using assemble.

To create a 25% version of your poster, suitable to print a preview on an ordinary PostScript printer, your command should look something like:

assemble -m 0.25 >

Please read the script to find out what other options do you have, such as colors etc. You will need large-format plotter (CfA has a very nice HP2800 Design Jet) to print your poster on one big 36" x 48" piece of paper. Please note that you might have to change the first line of the assemble to run it on your system.

Check also the CF Poster Printing page.

A final note from Robert Lupton: You may freely distribute this file provided that this notice is included. You use it at your own (small) risk, and I won't be responsible if you fail to get tenure due to problems in your posters.

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This homepage is maintained by Krzysztof Z. Stanek ( December 10th, 2000.