YALO Nightly Observing Report for 1999 Jul 26 Observer: David Gonzalez Observed all night from 23:14 to 8:43 UTC. Conditions were Photometric most of the night. Problems were encountered, see the summary for details. Seeing and Weather: Beg: Seeing 1.2 arcsec, Clear, Winds Light & Variable Mid: Seeing 1.2 arcsec, Clear, Winds Light & Variable End: Seeing 1.6 arcsec, Clear, Winds Light & Variable Observing Summary: While taking dome flats the IC hung. I rebooted and then followed the instrctions given my J. Mason to restablish the sych. between WC/IC/IR. Differential magnitude of Aql X-1: R=2.03 V=1,25 Nereid was observed without problems. Programme 100% sucessfully accomplished. ------------------------------ Submitted by David Gonzalez on 1999 Jul 27 [5:16:48]