YALO Nightly Observing Report for 2000 Jan 16 Observer: Juan Espinoza Observed all night from 0045 to 0815 UTC. Conditions were Non-Photometric most of the night. No equipment or software problems were encountered. Seeing and Weather: Beg: Seeing 1.6 arcsec, Patchy Clouds, Winds Light & Variable Mid: Seeing 2.2 arcsec, Smoke, Winds Light & Variable, thick haze ? End: Seeing 1.6 arcsec, Clear, Winds Light & Variable, haze Observing Summary: Hello: Program was imterrupted a couple of times in order to wait for clouds to pass, but a non-photometric program was accomplished with very variable seeing throughout the night. Lots of clouds at the star of observations but cleared up at the middle of the night leaving a thick haze (is that correct ?) Rui and Carlos; In one ocasion I have changed the order of the targets. e.i.; observing HW Pup before any Portugal object target. I do this for two reasons: 1) so I can start recording the CHILE_PONT directory, and 2) because it just makes sense to observe it before the long exposure thaat Portugal targets take. Please let me know if this is the wrong thing to do or not. Question: Do you still recommend to observe ngc2477 at the best airmass possible, and interrupting any secuence to do this ? That is all, Saludos. ------------------------------ Submitted by Juan Espinoza on 19100 Jan 17 [3:26:47]