YALO Telescope Observer's Report for 2000 Jun 13 Observer: Juan ESpinoza Observed for only a few hours from 0005 to 0530 UTC. Bad weather most of the night. No equipment or software problems were encountered. Seeing and Weather: High Winds all night. Beg: Seeing 2.0 arcsec, Cirrus, Winds High, Lots of cirrus Mid: Seeing 2.0 arcsec, Cirrus, Winds High, Lots of cirrus End: Overcast, Winds High Observing Summary: Just simply bad weather - Small openings made possible at separate times but the few targets observed tonight were through lots of clouds. No Nick Suntzeff SN Cheers juan ------------------------------ Submitted by Juan ESpinoza on 2000 Jun 14 [8:00:24]