YALO Telescope Observer's Report for 2001 Apr 29 Observer: David Gonzalez Observed all night from 22:57 to 10:35 UTC. Conditions were Photometric most of the night. No equipment or software problems were encountered. Seeing and Weather: Beg: Seeing >3 arcsec, Clear, Winds High Mid: Seeing >3 arcsec, Clear, Winds High End: Seeing >3 arcsec, Clear, Winds High Observing Summary: Hello, After a long odissey, I could download files from the Ohio ftp site. As described above (or below?) we had a very bad seeing throughout the night, so people of the world have your dustbins ready to dump tonight's data. And if that's not enough, the wind speed reached up to 38 mph.... anything else? That's it, David ------------------------------ Submitted by David Gonzalez on 2001 Apr 30 [6:41:33] NOTE: This report replaces the previous report for 2001 Apr 29