YALO Telescope Observer's Report for 2001 Nov 19 Observer: Juan Espinoza Observed all night from 00:02 to 08:35 UTC. Conditions were Photometric most of the night. Problems were encountered, see the summary for details. Seeing and Weather: Beg: Seeing 1.4 arcsec, Clear, Winds Light & Variable Mid: Seeing 1.2 arcsec, Clear, Winds Light & Variable End: Seeing 1.2 arcsec, Clear, Winds Light & Variable Observing Summary: Hello, Program completed. No complications. Differeantial magnitude for Aql X-1: 3.03 Yalo tapes are being sent ot La Serena for: 011113 - 011119 7 tapes That is all from me for this week. cheers juan ------------------------------ Submitted by Juan Espinoza on 2001 Nov 20 [11:44:46]