YALO Telescope Observer's Report for 2002 Jun 06 Observer: Sergio Pizarro Observed for only a few hours from 03:16 to 07:21 UTC. Conditions were Non-Photometric most of the night. Problems were encountered, see the summary for details. Seeing and Weather: High Humidity from 23:00 until 02:50. Beg: Cirrus, Winds Calm Mid: Cirrus, Winds Calm End: Cirrus, Winds Calm Observing Summary: Hi, Several problems were found during this night. 1.- High Humidity at the begining (the domes was opened at ~02:50) 2.- The WC and IC started with the crash in the end of calibrations. Rebooted it - Everything came back to normal 3.- I've also noted that images in ccd was not found... (11 images taken in ccd are wrong...why? But in IR looked fine. With the help of Juan Espinoza we check and rebooted all sistem ... but is not functioning. Now, the most importat problem was the DESYNCHRONIZATION (-DNSYN) of the disks... I need instructions and your help. I don't Know the solution and I'm not familiar with this. I'm uncertain about the best procedure in this situation. I asked with Oscar Saa about this problem. I shall be most grateful if you are able to help me. I'm so sorry that it has no been possible for me made a solution. Cheers Sergio ------------------------------ Submitted by Sergio Pizarro on 2002 Jun 7 [3:22:03]