White Swan Hotel
Guangzhou, China
April 20-22, 2003

Ellie, our first week with you has been more magical than we could have imagined -- though with plenty of challenges. Among the things we will remember:

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That is as far as I got before leaving China. I know that I had intended to write more, but reading it now -- four weeks later, two days before your first birthday -- it seems like a good record, even though it is a series of snapshots rather than a documentary. The three days in Guangzhou were kind of dreamlike, secluded in the lovely environs of Shamian Island and the White Swan Hotel, delighting in the way that you were warming to us and opening to the world, sharing our joy with the other families in our group and the other adoptive families who filled the White Swan. The two days of travel back to Columbus were long, but you took them well --- though you slept only 2 hours of the 11-hour Tokyo-Chicago leg, and the rest of the time we felt like we were flying with a large python.

Before closing, I must mention at least a bit about the other families and children in our group, since they were a huge part of this great experience.

Way too much has happened in the 3 1/2 weeks we have been back for me to write it down: you've met dozens of friends and two grandparents, mastered sitting up, pulling yourself to a stand, and standing on your own, and today you took your first unassisted steps. You've been to the zoo, to the conservatory, and (lots) to the university. You've charmed everyone we know and lots of people we don't know. We're developing some sort of routine, but every day is different.

We're looking forward to your first birthday party tomorrow, at Steve and Ruthie's.

Welcome home.