#! /usr/bin/env python # # Paul Martini (OSU) # # oalign.py [omsFile] maskImage [fieldImage] # # if [fieldImage] not specified, perform alignment through maskImage. # [omsFile] should not specified in longslit mode # # Steps: # 1. identify alignment boxes and mark them on the mask image # - interactively adjust positions # 2. predict x,y values for alignment stars and plot on image # - interactively adjust positions # 3. calculate translations and rotation # # 18 Feb 2011: implemented recenter of box coords # 20 Feb 2011: added bells and whistles, such as plotting of residuals # 21 Feb 2011: streamlined code further, such as command line flags # 22 Feb 2011: added geomap for calculation of transformation # 18 Mar 2011: improved performance when aligning with stars in boxes already # 2011-03-20 [0.3.1]: tested with MODS data, rotates around correct center, # further improved performance when bright stars are in alignment boxes # 2011-04-15: various cuts at new prompts, making error messages similar to # other MODS scripts, and notes for possible chnages marked # with ?? [rwp] # 2011-05-12: modified from mosalign.py # 2011-05-13: de-sophisticated to run on hiltner, agung # 2011-05-16: added longslit option # 2011-09-12: fixed biasc on line 411, started to implement direct # rotator communication with Ray Gonzalez's code # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- from string import * from time import sleep # from subprocess import call import socket import sys import os import math from sys import argv, exit from numpy import mean, std, zeros, median # from numpy.linalg import lstsq from pyraf import iraf import pyfits iraf.images.tv() iraf.images.immatch() iraf.set(stdimage='imt4096') versNum = "0.9.0" versDate = "2011-05-16" # Rotation center (initial guess) xrotc = 2000 yrotc = 2000 # Defaults for various flags verbose=1 # Verbose mode shiftonly=0 # Only compute xy shift (no rotation) boxdelete=1 # Re-selects alignment star boxes if set to 1 debug=0 # Unadvertised debug mode (lots of output) version=0 # Print version information longslit=0 # Long slit acquisition mode [default is MOS] ############################ #### Define various routines ############################ def usage(): print "\nMulti-Slit Usage: \n" print " %s -flags omsFile maskImage [acqImage]" % (argv[0]) print "\nWhere: omsFile is an OSMOS mask design file" print " maskImage is an image through the mask" print " acqImage is an image of the target field (no mask)" print " Note: Do not specify fieldImage if maskImage has stars" print " well inside the alignment boxes." print "\nLongslit Usage: (specify -l) \n" print " %s -flags slitImage acqImage" % (argv[0]) print "\nWhere: slitImage is an image of the longslit" print " acqImage is an image of the target field (no slit)" print "\nOptions: -v print verbose output" print " -s compute the x,y shift only" print " -b use previously-selected alignment boxes" print " -V print version information" print " -l longslit acquisition (multi-slit is default)\n" # # old sense of -b # print " -b force re-selection of alignment boxes" # def parseinput(): flags = [] files = [] # check for any command-line arguments and input files for i in range(1,len(argv)): if find(argv[i], "-") == 0: flags.append(argv[i].strip("-")) else: files.append(argv[i]) # check that the input files exist for i in range(1,len(files)): if os.path.isfile(files[i]) == 0: print "\n** ERROR: "+files[i]+" does not exist." exit(1) return files, flags def parseoms(file, verbose=0): x = [] y = [] dx = [] dy = [] F=open(file, "r") M=F.readlines()[::] F.close() nrefslits = 0 if verbose: print "Found %d lines in %s" % (len(M), file) for i in range(len(M)): # get the number of reference slits and regular slits if find(M[i], "INS.RSLIT.NUMBER") >= 0: nrefslits = int(M[i].split()[1]) # first note reference slit should be 100+nrefslits+1 firstnonref = "INS.TARG%3d" % (101+nrefslits) if verbose: print "First non-reference slits should be: ", firstnonref if find(M[i], "INS.SLIT.NUMBER") >= 0: nslits = int(M[i].split()[1]) if find(M[i], "XMM") >= 0: x.append(atof(M[i].split()[1])) if find(M[i], "WIDMM") >= 0: dx.append(atof(M[i].split()[1])) if find(M[i], "YMM") >= 0: y.append(atof(M[i].split()[1])) if find(M[i], "LENMM") >= 0: dy.append(atof(M[i].split()[1])) if verbose: print "Found %d reference boxes and %d regular slits" % (nrefslits, nslits) return x[nrefslits::], y[nrefslits::], dx[nrefslits::], dy[nrefslits::] def start_ds9(): ds9open = os.system("xpaaccess oalign") # if ds9 display titled 'OSMOS' isn't open, open it if ds9open==0: if verbose: print "Opening ds9 window for oalign..." os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT,"ds9", "ds9", "-title", "oalign") sleep(2) # need a little longer sleep, 1 usually caused a race condition [rwp] os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT,"xpaset", "xpaset", "-p","oalign","scale","mode","zscale") # otherwise just delete the existing region files else: os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, "xpaset", "xpaset", "-p", "oalign", "frame","2") os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, "xpaset", "xpaset", "-p", "oalign", "regions","deleteall") os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, "xpaset", "xpaset", "-p", "oalign", "frame","1") os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, "xpaset", "xpaset", "-p", "oalign", "regions","deleteall") def end_ds9(): os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT,"xpaset", "xpaset", "-p","oalign","exit") # Should have more graceful error checking here def get_keyword(file, keyword): iraf.imgets(file,keyword) return iraf.imgets.value def readboxfile(file): F=open(file, "r") M=F.readlines() V=[split(m) for m in M] F.close() return list(map(float,zip(*V)[0])), list(map(float,zip(*V)[1])), list(map(int,zip(*V)[2])), list(map(float,zip(*V)[3])) # Calculate box centers if boxfile does not already exist def getboxcoords(pixscale, maskimage): # get dimensions of mask image naxis1 = float(get_keyword(maskimage, "naxis1") ) naxis2 = float( get_keyword(maskimage, "naxis2") ) binx = float( get_keyword(maskimage, "CCDXBIN") ) biny = float( get_keyword(maskimage, "CCDYBIN") ) gprobex = float(get_keyword(maskimage, "GPROBEX") ) gprobey = float(get_keyword(maskimage, "GPROBEY") ) binx = 1 biny = 1 # identify alignment boxes (just slits with equal width and length) boxx = [] boxy = [] index = 1 G = open("_oalign.reg", "w") for i in range(len(x)): if dx[i] == dy[i]: #boxx.append(0.5*naxis1+x[i]*(1.667)/(pixscale*binx)) #boxy.append(0.5*naxis2-y[i]*(1.667)/(pixscale*biny)) boxx.append(0.5*naxis1+x[i]*(11.528)/(pixscale*binx)) boxy.append(0.5*naxis2-y[i]*(11.528)/(pixscale*biny)) regline = "box(%6.2f,%6.2f,40,40) # text={%d} color=black\n" % (boxx[-1], boxy[-1], index) index=index+1 G.write(regline) G.close() # Open ds9 and draw the predicted locations of the alignment boxes iraf.display(maskimage, 1) os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, "xpaset", "xpaset", "-p", "oalign", "zoom","to fit") # os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, "xpaset", "xpaset", "-p", "oalign", "zoom","4") os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, "xpaset", "xpaset", "-p", "oalign", "regions","file","_oalign.reg") ##### Note: automate this in the future ###### # mark the boxes to get exact x,y coords if os.path.isfile("_oalign.log"): os.remove("_oalign.log") print "\n** Mark Alignment Star Boxes to use with a 'x'." print " and then press 'q' when finished." print " *** You must mark at least two (2) boxes ***\n" iraf.imexam(maskimage, 1, maskimage, logfile="_oalign.log", keeplog="yes") boxx, boxy = readlogfile("_oalign.log") sci = pyfits.open(maskimage) scidata = sci[0].data nbox = len(boxx) # boxxc = zeros(nbox, float) # boxyc = zeros(nbox, float) boxxc = [] boxyc = [] boxfluxc = [] # Calculate the median flux at the input coords for i in range(nbox): #boxfluxc.append(median(scidata[int(boxy[i])-2:int(boxy[i])+2, int(boxx[i])-2:int(boxx[i])+2])) #boxfluxc.append(median(scidata[int(boxy[i])-2:int(boxy[i])+2, int(boxx[i])-2:int(boxx[i])+2], axis=None)) # fix for old pyfits, etc. on hiltner and agung -- boxfluxc.append(median(scidata[int(boxy[i])-2:int(boxy[i])+2, int(boxx[i])-2:int(boxx[i])+2], axis=None)) if verbose: print "%d Median at xc,yc is %4.2f" % (i, boxfluxc[i]) if debug: print boxfluxc print min(boxfluxc) maxboxflux = min(boxfluxc) if verbose: print "Min for all boxes is %4.2f" % (maxboxflux) # update the centering of the boxes for i in range(nbox): if debug: print boxx[i], boxy[i] xc, yc, fluxc = centerbox(scidata, boxx[i], boxy[i], maxboxflux) boxxc.append(xc) boxyc.append(yc) boxfluxc.append(fluxc) # print xc, yc, boxxc[i], boxyc[i] boxid = [int(i) for i in range(1,len(boxx))] # Write the alignment box locations to a file F = open(boxfile, "w") G = open(boxregfile, "w") for i in range(len(boxx)): # line = "%6.2f %6.2f %3d\n" % (boxx[i], boxy[i], i+1) line = "%6.2f %6.2f %3d %6.2f\n" % (boxxc[i], boxyc[i], i+1, boxfluxc[i]) #regline = "box(%6.2f,%6.2f,40,40) # text={%d} color=black\n" % (boxxc[i], boxyc[i], i+1) regline = "box(%6.2f,%6.2f,40,40) # text={%d} color=white\n" % (boxxc[i], boxyc[i], i+1) F.write(line) G.write(regline) F.close() G.close() return boxxc, boxyc, boxid, boxfluxc def getslitcoords(pixscale, maskimage): # get dimensions of image naxis1 = float(get_keyword(maskimage, "naxis1") ) naxis2 = float( get_keyword(maskimage, "naxis2") ) gprobex = float(get_keyword(maskimage, "GPROBEX") ) gprobey = float(get_keyword(maskimage, "GPROBEY") ) binx = float( get_keyword(maskimage, "CCDXBIN") ) biny = float( get_keyword(maskimage, "CCDYBIN") ) binx = 1 biny = 1 print "\n** Mark where you would like the object on the slit with 'x'." print " and then press 'q' when finished." iraf.imexam(maskimage, 1, maskimage, logfile="_oalign.log", keeplog="yes") boxx, boxy = readlogfile("_oalign.log") boxx = boxx[-1] boxy = boxy[-1] nbox = 1 sci = pyfits.open(maskimage) scidata = sci[0].data boxxc = [] boxyc = [] boxfluxc = [] # Calculate the median flux at the input coords if longslit==0: boxfluxc = median(scidata[int(boxy[i])-2:int(boxy[i])+2, int(boxx[i])-2:int(boxx[i])+2], axis=None) if verbose: print "Median at xc,yc is %4.2f" % (boxfluxc[i]) else: boxfluxc = median(scidata[int(boxy)-2:int(boxy)+2, int(boxx)-2:int(boxx)+2], axis=None) if verbose: print "Median at xc,yc is %4.2f" % (boxfluxc) print boxfluxc maxboxflux = boxfluxc if verbose: print "Min for all boxes is %4.2f" % (maxboxflux) # update the centering of the boxes if verbose: print boxx, boxy xc, yc, fluxc = centerslit(scidata, boxx, boxy, maxboxflux) boxxc = xc boxyc = yc boxfluxc = fluxc boxid = 1 # Write the alignment box locations to a file F = open(boxfile, "w") G = open(boxregfile, "w") line = "%6.2f %6.2f %3d %6.2f\n" % (boxxc, boxyc, 1, boxfluxc) regline = "box(%6.2f,%6.2f,10,1000) # text={%d} color=white\n" % (boxxc, boxyc, 1) F.write(line) G.write(regline) F.close() G.close() return boxxc, boxyc, boxid, boxfluxc def getdisplaypars(flux): zz1 = 0. if longslit==0: zz2 = max(flux)+3.*std(flux) else: zz2 = flux+500. return zz1, zz2 def getstarcoords(file): if longslit == 0: print "\n** Mark the center of each alignment star with an 'a'" print " and then press 'q' when finished." print " Stars must be selected in the *SAME ORDER* as the boxes.\n" else: print "\n** Mark the target with an 'a' and then press 'q'\n" sleep(2) os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, "xpaset", "xpaset", "-p", "oalign", "regions","file", boxregfile) # set use_display=no to force imexam to not redisplay file iraf.imexam(file, 2, file, logfile="_oalign.log", keeplog="yes", autoredraw="no", use_display="no") starx, stary = readlogfile("_oalign.log") return starx, stary def readlogfile(file): # read in the reference star locations from the log file F = open(file, "r") M=F.readlines() F.close() x = [] y = [] # for i in range(len(M)): if find(M[i], "#") <0: x.append(float(M[i].split()[0])) y.append(float(M[i].split()[1])) # check that at least two stars are present - abort if not # ?? What other cleanup we should be doing here on abort ?? if len(x)<2 and longslit==0: print "\n** ERROR: Need at least two points to solve for" print " translation and rotation - %s aborting.\n" % (argv[0]) end_ds9() exit(1) return x, y def centerbox(data, x, y, maxflux, N=50, dw=9,verbose=0): # N is the search tolerance for box edges in pixels (could get from MMS) # dw is the half width of the stripe used for the gradient search xw=int(x) # int of the clicked box center yw=int(y) x1=xw-N # int of the start of the range x2=xw+N # int of the end of the range y1=yw-N y2=yw+N dx = [] # for the first deriv in x dy = [] if dw == 0: for i in range(2*N): dx.append( min(data[y-dw:y+dw, x1+i],maxflux)-min(data[y-dw:y+dw, x1+i+1],maxflux) ) dy.append( min(data[y1+i, x-dw:x+dw],maxflux)-min(data[y1+i+1, x-dw:x+dw],maxflux) ) if verbose: print x1+i, min(mean(data[y-dw:y+dw, x1+i]),maxflux), dx[i], y1+i, min(mean(data[y1+i, x-dw:x+dw]),maxflux), dy[i] else: for i in range(2*N): #dx.append( mean(data[y-dw:y+dw, x1+i])-mean(data[y-dw:y+dw, x1+i+1]) ) #dy.append( mean(data[y1+i, x-dw:x+dw])-mean(data[y1+i+1, x-dw:x+dw]) ) #dx.append( min(median(data[y-dw:y+dw, x1+i]),maxflux)-min(median(data[y-dw:y+dw, x1+i+1]),maxflux) ) #dy.append( min(median(data[y1+i, x-dw:x+dw]),maxflux)-min(median(data[y1+i+1, x-dw:x+dw]),maxflux) ) # fix for old pyfits, etc. on hiltner, agung -- dx.append( min([median(data[yw-dw:yw+dw, x1+i]),maxflux])-min([median(data[yw-dw:yw+dw, x1+i+1]),maxflux]) ) dy.append( min([median(data[y1+i, xw-dw:xw+dw]),maxflux])-min([median(data[y1+i+1, xw-dw:xw+dw]),maxflux]) ) if verbose: #print x1+i, data[y, x1+i], dx[i], y1+i, data[y+i,x], dy[i] # print x1+i, min(median(data[y-dw:y+dw, x1+i]),maxflux), dx[i], y1+i, min(median(data[y1+i, x-dw:x+dw]),maxflux), dy[i] print x1+i, min([median(median(data[y-dw:y+dw, x1+i])),maxflux]), dx[i], y1+i, min([median(median(data[y1+i, x-dw:x+dw])),maxflux]), dy[i] x1=dx.index(min(dx)) x2=dx.index(max(dx)) if verbose: print x1, x2, x-N+x1, x-N+x2 xc=x-N+x1+0.5*(x2-x1)+1. y1=dy.index(min(dy)) y2=dy.index(max(dy)) if verbose: print y1, y2, y-N+y1, y-N+y2 yc=y-N+y1+0.5*(y2-y1)+1. # print x, y, xc, yc # fluxc = median(data[int(yc)-5:int(yc)+5, int(xc)-5:int(xc)+5]) fluxc = median(median(data[int(yc)-5:int(yc)+5, int(xc)-5:int(xc)+5])) # estimate the bias level for that box biasc = median(median(data[int(yc)-N:int(yc)+N, int(xc)-N:int(xc)+N])) if verbose: print "centerbox(): ", xc, yc, fluxc, biasc fluxc = fluxc-biasc return xc, yc, fluxc # Solve for x, y, and rotation def centerslit(data, x, y, maxflux, N=50, dw=9,verbose=0): # N is the search tolerance for box edges in pixels (could get from MMS) # dw is the half width of the stripe used for the gradient search xw=int(x) yw=int(y) x1=xw-N x2=xw+N y1=yw-N y2=yw+N dx = [] dy = [] if dw == 0: for i in range(2*N): dx.append( min(data[y-dw:y+dw, x1+i],maxflux)-min(data[y-dw:y+dw, x1+i+1],maxflux) ) if verbose: print x1+i, min(mean(data[y-dw:y+dw, x1+i]),maxflux), dx[i], y1+i, min(mean(data[y1+i, x-dw:x+dw]),maxflux) else: for i in range(2*N): dx.append( min([median(data[yw-dw:yw+dw, x1+i]),maxflux])-min([median(data[yw-dw:yw+dw, x1+i+1]),maxflux]) ) if verbose: print x1+i, min([median(median(data[y-dw:y+dw, x1+i])),maxflux]), dx[i], y1+i, min([median(median(data[y1+i, x-dw:x+dw])),maxflux]) x1=dx.index(min(dx)) x2=dx.index(max(dx)) if verbose: print x1, x2, x-N+x1, x-N+x2 xc=x-N+x1+0.5*(x2-x1)+1. yc=y # print x, y, xc, yc # fluxc = median(data[int(yc)-5:int(yc)+5, int(xc)-5:int(xc)+5]) fluxc = median(median(data[int(yc)-5:int(yc)+5, int(xc)-5:int(xc)+5])) if verbose: print "centerbox(): ", xc, yc, fluxc return xc, yc, fluxc def calcgeotrans(sx, sy, bx, by, fittype, verbose): # create input file geomapinput = "_oalign.in" geomapoutput = "_oalign.out" if os.path.isfile(geomapoutput): os.remove(geomapoutput) fmt = "%8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f \n" F = open(geomapinput, "w") for i in range(len(sx)): # Adjust data so center of rotation is the origin # x(ref), y(ref), x(in), y(in) gline = fmt % (sx[i]-xrotc, sy[i]-yrotc, bx[i]-xrotc, by[i]-yrotc) F.write(gline) F.close() # run geomap iraf.geomap(geomapinput, "_mods", "INDEF","INDEF","INDEF","INDEF", results=geomapoutput, fitgeometry=fittype, verbose="no", interac="no") dx, dy, theta, nx, ny = readgeofile(geomapoutput, fittype) # draw the new positions on the display drawstars(nx, ny, color="magenta") fmt = "%d %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %6.2f %6.2f" if verbose: for i in range(len(nx)): # nx, ny (new star positions) are x(fit) and y(fit) print fmt % (i, bx[i], by[i], sx[i], sy[i], nx[i], ny[i], nx[i]-bx[i], ny[i]-by[i]) print "# Geomap fit yields dx = %4.2f dy = %4.2f theta = %6.4f" % (dx, dy, theta) # this is not necessary anymore [20 Mar 2011] # nx,ny,res = applytrans(sx, sy, bx, by, dx, dy, theta) res = [] for i in range(len(nx)): res.append(math.sqrt((nx[i] - bx[i])**2 + (ny[i] - by[i])**2)) return dx, dy, theta, nx, ny, res def readgeofile(file, fittype): F = open(file, "r") M=F.readlines()[::] F.close() nx = [] ny = [] theta = 0. for i in range(len(M)): if find(M[i], "X and Y shift:") >= 0: dx,dy = float(M[i].split()[5]), float(M[i].split()[6]) if find(M[i], "X and Y axis rotation:") >= 0: theta = float(M[i].split()[6]) if find(M[i][0], "#") <0 and len(M[i])>10: # read the geomap x(fit) and y(fit) nx.append(float(M[i].split()[4])) ny.append(float(M[i].split()[5])) for i in range(len(nx)): nx[i] = nx[i] + xrotc ny[i] = ny[i] + yrotc if theta>180.: theta = 360.-theta return dx, dy, theta, nx, ny def applytrans(sx, sy, bx, by, dx, dy, theta): thetar = theta*math.pi/180. outx = [] outy = [] ds = [] for i in range(len(bx)): #outx.append(math.cos(thetar)*(sx[i]-dx) - math.sin(thetar)*(sy[i]-dy) ) #outy.append(math.sin(thetar)*(sx[i]-dx) + math.cos(thetar)*(sy[i]-dy) ) outx.append(math.cos(thetar)*sx[i] - math.sin(thetar)*sy[i] + dx) outy.append(math.sin(thetar)*sx[i] + math.cos(thetar)*sy[i] + dy) ds.append(math.sqrt((outx[i] - bx[i])**2 + (outy[i] - by[i])**2)) return outx, outy, ds def drawstars(x,y,color="magenta"): # Create a region file from x,y coords and draw stars on the display F = open("_oalignxy.reg", "w") for i in range(len(x)): regline = "point(%6.2f,%6.2f) # point=x width=3 color=%s\n" % (x[i], y[i], color) F.write(regline) F.close() os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, "xpaset", "xpaset", "-p", "oalign", "regions","file","_oalignxy.reg") # clean up os.remove("_oalignxy.reg") def rotator(deg): # rotator module from Ray Gonzalez if math.fabs(deg) > 1.: print "Error: Rotator move of %.1f degrees exceeds the 1 deg safety limit" % (deg) print "Please use the hand paddle in the dome" return False else: angle = deg/0.7222 HOST = '' # The remote host PORT = 8003 # The same port as used by the server command = 'ANGLE=' + repr(angle) + '\r' # server address s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) # setup socket s.connect((HOST, PORT)) # connect to Rotator comtrol server socket s.send(command) # send the command. data = s.recv(24) # retrive data if any s.close() # Close the connection print 'oalign.py: Sent/Received Rotator Angle', repr(data) return True ############################ #### Script starts here #### ############################ # Parse the input files and various flags files, flags = parseinput() if len(flags)>0: for i in range(len(flags)): if find(flags[i], "d")>=0: debug=1 print "Debug mode set" if find(flags[i], "v")>=0: verbose=1 if debug: print "Verbose mode set" if find(flags[i], "s")>=0: shiftonly=1 if debug: print "Shift-only mode set" if find(flags[i], "V")>=0: version=1 if debug: print "Print version mode set" if find(flags[i], "l")>=0: longslit=1 if debug: print "Long slit acquisition mode set" if find(flags[i], "b")>=0: boxdelete=0 if debug: print "Using previous alignment star boxes" # # old sense of -b flag # boxdelete=1 # if debug: # print "Box reselection forced" # if version: print "\n%s v%s [%s]\n" % (argv[0], versNum, versDate) exit(0) # Check that the appropriate number of input files where specificed if len(files) < 2 or len(files) > 3: usage() exit(1) if longslit==0: omsfile = files[0] maskimage = files[1] if len(files)==3: starimage = files[2] else: maskimage = files[0] # slit image in longslit mode starimage = files[1] # acq image in longslit mode start_ds9() iraf.unlearn("imexamine") object = get_keyword(maskimage, "OBJECT") # ?? hide behind verbose ?? if verbose: if longslit==0: print "Maskimage %s title is: %s" % (maskimage, object) else: print "Slitimage %s title is: %s" % (maskimage, object) # The FITS header card SECPIX contains the unbinned pixel scale in "/pixel # Note: this assumes the mask image and field image have the same binning # pixscale = float( get_keyword(maskimage, "SECPIX") ) # turned off because R4K does not have SECPIX keyword [29 Oct 2011 | PM] pixscale = 0.273 # Parse the oms file to identify the preliminary box coordinates if longslit==0: x,y,dx,dy = parseoms(omsfile) # Establish the name for the box files starti = 0 if maskimage.rfind("/")>=0: starti = maskimage.rfind("/")+1 boxfile = strip(maskimage[starti::], ".fits")+".box" boxregfile = strip(maskimage[starti::], ".fits")+".reg" if verbose: if longslit==0: print "Alignment box coordinates file: ", boxfile else: print "Slit coordinates file: ", boxfile # Delete the box file if boxdelete=True and it exists if boxdelete: if os.path.isfile(boxfile): if verbose: # "Flag -b is set, so deleting %s" % (boxfile) "Deleting old box file %s" % (boxfile) os.remove(boxfile) if os.path.isfile(boxregfile): os.remove(boxregfile) ### Measure the box positions or get them from an existing file -- # If boxfile exists, do not repeat marking of box if longslit==0: if os.path.isfile(boxfile) and os.path.isfile(boxregfile): if verbose: print "\n** Box coordinate files %s and %s found." % (boxfile, boxregfile) print "\n** Proceeding directly to marking alignment stars" boxxc, boxyc, boxid, boxfluxc = readboxfile(boxfile) # otherwise generate the boxfile interactively else: if verbose: print "Box coordinate files %s and/or %s do not exist" % (boxfile, boxregfile) # make sure both are gone if os.path.isfile(boxfile): os.remove(boxfile) if os.path.isfile(boxregfile): os.remove(boxregfile) boxxc, boxyc, boxid, boxfluxc = getboxcoords(pixscale, maskimage) else: if os.path.isfile(boxfile) and os.path.isfile(boxregfile): if verbose: print "\n** Box coordinate files %s and %s found." % (boxfile, boxregfile) print "\n** Proceeding directly to marking alignment stars" boxxc, boxyc, boxid, boxfluxc = readboxfile(boxfile) # otherwise generate the boxfile interactively else: if verbose: print "Box coordinate files %s and/or %s do not exist" % (boxfile, boxregfile) if os.path.isfile(boxfile): os.remove(boxfile) if os.path.isfile(boxregfile): os.remove(boxregfile) boxxc, boxyc, boxid, boxfluxc = getslitcoords(pixscale, maskimage) ### Display the box coordinates in both frames os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, "xpaset", "xpaset", "-p", "oalign", "regions","deleteall") os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, "xpaset", "xpaset", "-p", "oalign", "regions","file",boxregfile) os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, "xpaset", "xpaset", "-p", "oalign", "frame","2") #if len(files) == 2 and mask and longslit==0: # boxz1, boxz2 = getdisplaypars(boxfluxc) # print "\n** Doing alignment with the mask image." # iraf.display(maskimage, 2, zscale="no", zrange="no", z1=boxz1, z2=boxz2) #else: # iraf.display(starimage, 2) iraf.display(starimage, 2) if os.path.isfile("_oalign.log"): os.remove("_oalign.log") ### Measure the star positions if len(files) == 2: starx, stary = getstarcoords(maskimage) else: starx, stary = getstarcoords(starimage) # Check that we have the right number of each if longslit == 0: if len(starx) != len(boxxc): print "\n** ERROR: number of alignment stars and boxes are not equal..." print " %s aborting.\n" % (argv[0]) end_ds9() # ?? any other cleanup we should do on abort? exit() if len(starx)<2: print "\n** ERROR: At least two alignment stars required to solve" print " for mask translation and rotation - %s aborting.\n" % (argv[0]) end_ds9() # ?? any other cleanup we should do on abort? exit() nobj = len(starx) #################################### ### Calculate the transformation ### #################################### # Calculate translation-only or translation+rotation if longslit==0: if shiftonly: # calculate shift only if verbose: print "Geomap fit" dx,dy,theta,nstarx,nstary,res = calcgeotrans(starx, stary, boxxc, boxyc, "shift", verbose) theta = 0. else: # calculate shift and rotation if verbose: print "Geomap fit" dx,dy,theta,nstarx,nstary,res = calcgeotrans(starx, stary, boxxc, boxyc, "rotate", verbose) else: if verbose: print starx, boxxc, stary, boxyc if type(boxxc) is float: boxxc = [boxxc] boxyc = [boxyc] dx=boxxc[0]-starx[0] dy=boxyc[0]-stary[0] nstarx = starx nstary = stary theta=0. res=[0.] # Issue a warning about large residuals mn = mean(res) std = std(res) fmt = "%d %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f" if mn>20.: print "\n** WARNING: Mean offset relative to solution is %4.2f pixels" % (mn) print "ID BOX_X BOX_Y Star_X Star_Y New_Star_X New_Star_Y Delta_X Delta_Y Delta_S" for i in range(len(res)): print fmt % (i, boxxc[i], boxyc[i], starx[i], stary[i], nstarx[i], nstary[i], nstarx[i] - boxxc[i], nstary[i]-boxyc[i], res[i]) if verbose: print "Mean offset relative to solution is %4.2f pixels" % (mn) print "ID BOX_X BOX_Y Star_X Star_Y New_Star_X New_Star_Y Delta_X Delta_Y Delta_S" for i in range(len(res)): print fmt % (i, boxxc[i], boxyc[i], starx[i], stary[i], nstarx[i], nstary[i], nstarx[i] - boxxc[i], nstary[i]-boxyc[i], res[i]) # Print the output (units are arcseconds and degrees) theta = -1*theta # sign flip dxa = (dx*pixscale) dya = (dy*pixscale) gscale = 3.4821 gdx = -1.*(dy*gscale) # note x and y reversed [-1 added 29 Oct 2011 by PM] gdy = (dx*gscale) if longslit==0: print "\nComputed Mask Alignment Offset:" else: print "\nComputed Slit Alignment Offset:" print " dx: %7.3f arcsec\n dy: %7.3f arcsec\n dPA: %7.4f degrees" % (dxa, dya, theta) print "\nThese are the guider offsets to apply:" print " gdx: %7.4f steps\n gdy: %7.4f steps\n" % (gdx, gdy) if longslit==0: print "\nAnd enter this rotation offset in the Rotator GUI:" print " dPA: %7.4f degrees\n" % (theta) else: print "** Note that the gdy offset is the critical one\n" # Clean up (uncomment more below when in "production") if os.path.isfile("_oalign.log"): os.remove("_oalign.log") if os.path.isfile("_oalign.reg"): os.remove("_oalign.reg") # if os.path.isfile("_oalign.out"): # os.remove("_oalign.out") # if os.path.isfile("_oalign.in"): # os.remove("_oalign.in") # end_ds9() print "\n%s done." % (argv[0])