786 [Atoms] (IF: 1.8) Photoionization and Electron-Ion Recombination of n = 1 to Very High n-Values of Hydrogenic Ions Ms. Joy Li Wed 15/11/2023 06:27 Nahar, Sultana , atoms@mdpi.com 1 attachments (332 KB) Photoionization and Electron-Ion Recombination of n = 1 to Very High n-Values of Hydrogenic Ions.png; Dear Professor Nahar, Thank you so much for your support in publishing the paper in Atoms. We are thrilled to see that the paper has generated significant interest since its publication: Citations: 6 Downloads: 876 Views: 1329 With your valuable support, we are delighted to announce that our journal has received its first Impact Factor of 1.8 in June this year. Additionally, it will be ranked alongside journals in the "PHYSICS, ATOMIC, MOLECULAR & CHEMICAL" category in the Web of Science next June. We promoted your paper on Twitter and prepared the attached flyer. It would be highly appreciated if you could share it with your collaborators. Once again, we express our gratitude for your outstanding contribution to the journal Atoms. Twitter Link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://twitter.com/Atoms_MDPI/status/1724749838594822399__;!!KGKeukY!3VYPTOkpWdrXB1m39d5cL7bMH35Xje8ol1eJP_AY6S41YyNpi1BG44Yw2yb1tAjlN0EgKjZZml4u$ We hope to have the opportunity to collaborate with you again in the future. All the best! Kind regards, Joy Li -- Managing Editor Atoms Editorial Office https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.mdpi.com/journal/atoms__;!!KGKeukY!3VYPTOkpWdrXB1m39d5cL7bMH35Xje8ol1eJP_AY6S41YyNpi1BG44Yw2yb1tAjlN0EgKm3HhbwW$ Atoms Citescore(2022):3.1 Good News: Atoms received its first Impact Factor(1.8). Atoms 2024 Travel Award is Open for Applications: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.mdpi.com/journal/atoms/awards/2449__;!!KGKeukY!3VYPTOkpWdrXB1m39d5cL7bMH35Xje8ol1eJP_AY6S41YyNpi1BG44Yw2yb1tAjlN0EgKm6_FgEd$ Disclaimer: MDPI recognizes the importance of data privacy and