OSU Astronomy Software Packages

Updated: 2001 January 22

These pages describe the software packages written and maintained by Ohio State for use with OSU-built instruments deployed at MDM, KPNO, CTIO, SAAO, and the OSU instrumentation lab. This site should be considered the definitive source for the "official" versions of all such software. If you get copies from somebody else, you do so at your peril.

These programs were designed primarily for use by members of the Ohio State University Department of Astronomy and those non-OSU astronomers either engaged in collaborative research with OSU personnel, or using OSU-built instruments and their associated data-taking systems. They are not likely to be generally useful outside of this context. Other people are, however, welcome to make use of this software if they find it useful to them, they do so entirely at their own risk, and with the understanding that we offer no support whatsoever.

Observing and Reduction Software

These programs are provided for the observing and analysis software written and distributed by Ohio State. All code here is public domain, unless otherwise specified, and are provided as-is, with no warranty implied.

ccdproc is a standalone C program for performing basic CCD pipeline reductions (overscan, trim, zero, and flat fielding).
Includes: imcombine

Downloads (Version 1.4p2, 2001 October 18):
ccdproc14p2.tgz 33KB gzipped tar.
ccdtest.tgz 2.8MB gzipped tar.

autolog is a program to create custom-formatted observing logs from image FITS headers.

Downloads (Version 1.2, 2000 Feb 20):
autolog.tgz 19KB gzipped tar

lfit is an interactive linear least-squares fitter.

diffspec is the OSU implementation of the van Groningen & Wanders 1992 [PASP, 678, 700] spectral scaling algorithm. Works on SunOS, Solaris, & Linux (g77) systems

Downloads (Version 1.1, 2000 Aug 20):
diffspec.tgz 422KB gzipped tar

CFITSIO Libraries

All of the programs that handle FITS format data files use the cfitsio libraries written by Bill Pence and distributed by HEASARC at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. We do not distribute cfitsio ourselves, but it can be readily obtained from the FITSIO webpage at HEASARC:

Full documentation is available on the FITSIO webpage. Persons using OSU software that relies on the FITSIO subroutines must obtain and install their own copy of FITSIO from HEASARC. We do not support or distribute FITSIO ourselves.

The latest version of CFITSIO is v2.204 (released 2001 July 26). We have tested ccdproc and autolog with CFITSIO v2.204 on RedHat Linux (6.1 and 6.2) systems, and encountered no problems. We strongly suggest you download the lastest v2.x from HEASARC and install it on your system. Then get the latest versions of ccdproc and autolog, and recompile them. We do not guarantee or support versions of ccdproc or autolog that did not originate on this website.

Data-Acqusition Software

The Prospero, Ariel, and Caliban packages used by the OSU Data Acquisition System are not distributed over the web. You can, however, access the online help pages below:

Prospero Manual & Documents

Prospero Observer's Guides & Instrument Quick-Reference Cards

Caliban Manual

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Updated: 2001 October 18 [rwp]