Review Information for Ay162

The review session for the first quiz will be held from 5:00PM
to 6:00PM on Wednesday, April 5, in the Planetarium,
Rm 5033, Smith Lab

The review session for the second quiz will be held from 5:00PM
to 6:00PM on Wednesday, April 19, in the Planetarium,
Rm 5033, Smith Lab

The review session for the third quiz will be held from 5:00PM
to 6:00PM on Wednesday, May 3, in the Planetarium,
Rm 5033, Smith Lab

The review session for the fourth quiz will be held from 5:00PM
to 6:00PM on Wednesday, May 17, in the Planetarium,
Rm 5033, Smith Lab

The final review session will be held from 6:00PM to 7:00PM
on Monday, June 5, in the Planetarium, Rm. 5033, Smith Lab

Quizzes will have 40 multiple-choice questions and will be on the
material we have covered in class.  I will ask about 
1) basic definitions and facts, 2) applications or usage of basic concepts,
and 3) how the various concepts and ideas can be used together to tell us
more about the subject matter.  For example, know the main properties of
the H-R diagram and how the quantities plotted in the diagram are derived
from observations of stars.  Then think about the different properties of
stars that we can deduce from their location in the H-R diagram.

Here are the links for the review sheets (they will be posted as they become

     Quiz 1 review sheet     Quiz 1 Handout from Review Session

     Quiz 2 review sheet

     Quiz 3 review sheet

     Quiz 4 review sheet

     Final review sheet

Review the lecture notes.
Make sure you know the meaning of each topic on the reviews sheet and
then understand how the different topics relate to each other.
Read the textbook to gain more information on the topics.

Return to Ay162 home page

PSO, March 23, 2006