YALO Telescope Observer's Report for 2001 Aug 03 Observer: David Gonzalez Observed for only a few hours from 22:54 to 08:16 UTC. Conditions were Non-Photometric most of the night. No equipment or software problems were encountered. Seeing and Weather: Beg: Seeing 1.8 arcsec, Cirrus, Winds High Mid: Seeing 3.0 arcsec, Cirrus, Winds High End: Seeing >3 arcsec, Cirrus, Winds High Observing Summary: Hello, Programme partially done. High winds of up to 40 miles per hours did not let me observe most of the targets. If that's not enough, the seeing went up to more than 3 arcseconds under a sky covered with cirrus. Anything else? David ------------------------------ Submitted by David Gonzalez on 2001 Aug 4 [5:11:42]