YALO Telescope
Contact Information

Program Coordinators:

Program coordinators are responsible for the coordinating their institution's shares of the YALO telescope. Members of the U.S. and Chilean astronomical communities granted time on YALO through the NOAO TAC should work with the AURA/NOAO coordinator.

Yale University:
Prof. Charles Bailyn (bailyn@astro.yale.edu)

Dr. Stephanie Wachter (swachter@noao.edu)

Lisbon University (Universidade de Lisboa):
Prof. Rui Jorge Agostinho (ruiag@oal.ul.pt)

Ohio State University:
Prof. Darren DePoy (depoy@astronomy.ohio-state.edu)

Informational Contacts:

Observing Queue Manager:
Prof. Charles Bailyn (bailyn@astro.yale.edu)

ANDICAM Instrument:
Prof. Darren DePoy (OSU) (depoy@astronomy.ohio-state.edu)

CTIO Operations:
Dr. Rene Mendez (NOAO) (rmendez@noao.edu)

YALO Web Pages at OSU:
Prof. Richard Pogge (OSU) (pogge@astronomy.ohio-state.edu)

YALO Web Pages at CTIO:
Dr. Stephanie Wachter (NOAO) (swachter@noao.edu)

YALO Intra-Consortium Data-Reduction Pipeline:
Dr. Suzanne Tourtellotte (Yale) (swt@astro.yale.edu)

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Updated: 2001 January 15 [rwp]