Astronomy 8824 - Problem Set 4 Start

Paul Martini, Autumn 2019

In [1]:
import numpy as np
from numpy import matrix
from numpy import linalg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
import corner
In [2]:
def gaussian(x, mu, sig):
    calculate a gaussian with mean mu and dispersion sig at input points x
    return np.exp( -0.5 * np.power( (x - mu)/sig, 2.)) / (np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*sig)

def PlotTwoDist(xy1, xy2, label1, label2, size, addgauss=False, gxsig=False, gysig=False, connect=20): 
    xy1, xy2: (x,y) points for the two distributions
    label1, label2: labels for the two distributions
    size: (float) half width of plot range
    addgauss: (bool) True to overplot Gaussian on each histogram
    gxsig, gysig: (float) sigma values for the two histograms
    bins = np.arange(-1.*size, size, 0.25)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
    gs = GridSpec(4,4)
    ax_scatter = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:4, 0:3])
    ax_xhist = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,0:3])
    ax_yhist = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:4, 3])
    ax_scatter.scatter(xy1[0], xy1[1], color='k', s=1, label=label1)
    ax_scatter.scatter(xy2[0], xy2[1], color='r', s=1, label=label2)
    ax_scatter.plot(xy2[0][:connect], xy2[1][:connect], color='r', ls='-')
    ax_xhist.hist(xy1[0], bins=bins, histtype='step', color='k', density=True)
    ax_xhist.hist(xy2[0], bins=bins, histtype='step', color='r', density=True)
    ax_yhist.hist(xy1[1], bins=bins, histtype='step', color='k', density=True, orientation='horizontal')
    ax_yhist.hist(xy2[1], bins=bins, histtype='step', color='r', density=True, orientation='horizontal')

    if addgauss and gxsig and gysig: 
        gg = np.linspace(-1*size, size, 100)
        ggx = gaussian(gg, 0., gxsig)
        ggy = gaussian(gg, 0., gysig)
        ax_xhist.plot(gg, ggx)
        ax_yhist.plot(ggy, gg)
    plt.setp(ax_xhist.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    plt.setp(ax_xhist.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
    plt.setp(ax_yhist.get_xticklabels(), visible=False)
    plt.setp(ax_yhist.get_yticklabels(), visible=False)
    ax_scatter.set_xlabel("X", fontsize=16)
    ax_scatter.set_ylabel("Y", fontsize=16)
    ax_scatter.set_xlim(-8, 8)
    ax_scatter.set_ylim(-8, 8)
    ax_xhist.set_ylabel("N", fontsize=16)
    ax_yhist.set_xlabel("N", fontsize=16)
    ax_scatter.legend(frameon=False, fontsize=16)

1. Bivariate Gaussian

In [4]:
# generate bivariate Gaussian distributions
# following Ivezic et al. sections 3.5.2 and 3.5.4
nelem = 5000
seed = 12         # starting seed for random number generator

# means and dispersions of initial Gaussians
mux = 0
muy = 0
sig1 = 2
sig2 = 0.5

# Generate (p1, p2)
p1 = sig1*np.random.normal(size=nelem)
p2 = sig2*np.random.normal(size=nelem)

# Now compute (x, y) from (p1, p2) rotated by angle alpha
alpha = np.pi/6
cosa = np.cos(alpha)
sina = np.sin(alpha)
x = ...
y = ...

# Variances of x and y are
# (See Ivezic et al. eqns 3.85 and 3.86)
sigx2 = ...
sigy2 = ...

# Use python multivariate Gaussian call with expected covariance matrix
# Ivezic et al. eqs. 3.85-3.87
sigxy = ...

mu = ...
cov = ...

Compare (p1, p2) and the rotated (x, y) distributions

In [313]:
PlotTwoDist([x,y], [p1,p2], "(x,y)", "(p1,p2)", 8, addgauss=True, gxsig=, gysig=)

2. MCMC Realization of a 2-D Probability Distribution

In [316]:
# DHW, modified for notebook 

def MultiGaussProb(x,cinv,prefac):
    Return multivariate Gaussian probability
    x: vector of data values(matrix)
    cinv: inverse covariance matrix
    prefac:  prefactor for properly normalized Gaussian (float),
             taken as input so that it isn't computed every call
             should be [(2\pi)^{M/2} \sqrt{det(C)}]^{-1}
    arg = float(x * cinv * x.T)
    return (prefac * np.exp(-arg/2.))

def mcmc(xy_start, xy_step, nchain, nthin, seed, sig1=2, sig2=0.5):
    xy_start: [xstart, ystart]
    xy_step: [xstep, ystep]
    nchain: output chain length (after thinning)
    nthin: thinning factor
    # generate a chain nthin times longer than the final chain
    nchain = nthin * nchain    
    mux = 0
    muy = 0
    alpha= np.pi/6
    cosa = np.cos(alpha)
    sina = np.sin(alpha)
    your code here

1. Start at xy_start = (1,1) and use xy_step = (1,1), compare to multivariate Gaussian

3. Cosmo MCMC: Parameters of the Universe

In [6]:
# Import DHW routines
import cosmodist_subs as cs
In [7]:
h0 = 70. 
om = 0.3
ok = 0. 
w = -1
In [150]:
### DHW modified for notebook

def prob(model,data,errors):
    Return e^{-chi^2/2}, for diagonal covariance matrix
    model = vector of model predictions
    data = vector of data values
    errors = vector of errors on data
    dev = (model - data)/errors
    return (np.exp(-1.*sum(dev**2)/2.))

def modelvals(om,h,w,ok):
    Return vector of the model predicted data values
    h0=100.*h                                   # value in km/s/Mpc
    [dmzrec,hzrec] = cs.cosmodist(1090, h0, om, ok, w)
    [dmz234,hz234] = cs.cosmodist(2.34, h0, om, ok, w)
    [dmz057,hz057] = cs.cosmodist(0.57, h0, om, ok, w)
    [dmz032,hz032] = cs.cosmodist(0.32, h0, om, ok, w)

    return (np.array([omhsqr,dmzrec,dmz234,hz234*h0,dmz057,hz057*h0,dmz032]))

def cosmomcmc(startvals, stepvals, nchain, nthin, seed):
    omstart = startvals['omega_m']
    hstart = startvals['H0']
    okstart = startvals['omega_k']
    wstart = startvals['w']
    omstep = stepvals['omega_m']
    hstep = stepvals['H0']
    okstep = stepvals['omega_k']
    wstep = stepvals['w']

    nchain = nchain * nthin     # number of elements needed for nchain outputs
    # data values and errors being used

    data = np.array([omhsqr,dmzrec,dmz234,hz234,dmz057,hz057,dmz032])
    errors = np.array([omhsqrerr,dmzrecerr,dmz234err,hz234err,dmz057err,hz057err,dmz032err])

    # Save all elements of the chain in memory to make the i/o more efficient, 
    # but if memory were an issue we could write out steps one at a time (or in chunks)
    chain = np.zeros((nchain,5))
    chain[0][0] = om1 = omstart
    chain[0][1] = h1 = hstart
    chain[0][2] = w1 = wstart
    chain[0][3] = ok1 = okstart

    your code here

Flat Universe

Fix Omega_k = 0 and start with Omega_m = 0.3, h = 0.68, and w = -1. Use a step size Delta = 0.03 in each parameter

In [349]:
startvals = dict()
startvals['omega_m'] = 0.3
startvals['H0'] = 0.68
startvals['omega_k'] = 0.
startvals['w'] = -1.

stepvals = dict()
stepvals['omega_m'] = 0.03
stepvals['H0'] = 0.03
stepvals['omega_k'] = 0.0 # hold fixed
stepvals['w'] = 0.03
In [ ]:
# Compute the chain
c_chain1 = cosmomcmc(startvals, stepvals, nchain=4000, nthin=50, seed=12)
In [ ]:
# User corner to make a nice plot: 
corner_input1 = c_chain1.T[0:3].T
figure = corner.corner(corner_input1, labels=[r"$\Omega_m$", r"$h$", r"$w$"],
                      show_titles=True, title_kwargs={"fontsize": 14},
                      label_kwargs={"fontsize": 14},
                      hist2d_kwargs={"plot_contours": False, "plot_density": False}