786 e: Salam: presentation at the IWD symposium hiralodi@neduet.edu.pk Mon 25/03/2024 14:16 <200b>Nahar, Sultana <200b> 2 attachments (56 KB) Outlook-filuvevs.jpg; Outlook-iatq4mi5.png; Dear Dr. Sultana, Assalam o Alaikum, Hope you are doing great. Unfortunately, we were not able to hold any event or something pertaining to ISMWS at NEDUET this year. 565,0-1 95 For the list I am sending you an excerpt of the MOM for the awards in Maths and Physics both. The item was presented by Dr. Hira Ashfaq Lodhi, elaborated by Dr. Mirza Mahmood Baig, Chairman Department of Mathematics and Dr. Irfan Ahmed, Chairman Department oof Physics. The Prize Board agreed upon the evaluation of the awards. According to the evaluation for the awards in Computational Finance, Mr. Samiullah is found to be the Best Teacher and Dr. Fahim Raees qualified for the Best Researcher (Faculty) Award, each getting a financial award of 30,000 Pak Rs. Mr. Syed Muhammad Hamza bearing roll no. CF-19041, the first position holder has qualified for the Best BS student and will get a reward of 25,000 Pak Rs. Whereas for awards in Physics, Dr. Roohi Zafar is found to be the Best Teacher and Sir Junaid Kareem Khan qualified for the Best Researcher (Faculty) Award, each winner of a financial award of 30,000 Pak Rs. Mr. Abdul Ahad bearing roll no. AP-19060, the first position holder has qualified for the Best BS student and wins an amount of 25,000 Pak Rs. I have asked the IT department to provide the access to the photos for the convocation and will share once I get those. If there is any problem with the access, then I might be able to send you the photos once I get back to Pakistan. I am currently in USA, visiting University of Washington and going back by the end of this month. Will it be ok? Kind Regards, Hira