Astronomy 682
Introduction to Cosmology
Winter Quarter 2001
Mon Wed Fri 1:30pm - 2:48pm
1008 McPherson Laboratory
Prof. Barbara Ryden
Office: 4035 McPherson Lab
Office Hours: Mon Wed 9:30 am - noon (or by appointment)
Phone: 292-4562
An Introduction to Modern Cosmology, by Andrew Liddle (Wiley, 1999)
Exams & Grading
Problem sets will be assigned on Wednesday, and will be due on the
following Wednesday, at the beginning of class. The
problem sets will count for 50% of your total grade. The
in-class midterm will take place on Monday, February 5. The
final exam is scheduled for Monday, March 12, at
1:30 pm. The midterm and final will each count for 25%
of your grade.
Tentative course schedule
- Week 1: Introduction, Observational overview (chapters 1, 2)
- Week 2: Newtonian gravity, Einsteinian gravity (ch. 3)
- Week 3: Cosmological models (ch. 4)
- Week 4: Geometry and evolution of the universe (ch. 5)
- Week 5: Observational parameters and the age of the universe (ch. 6, 7)
- Week 6: MIDTERM, Dark matter and the cosmological constant (ch. 8)
- Week 7: Cosmic microwave background (ch. 9)
- Week 8: Big Bang nucleosynthesis (ch. 10, 11)
- Week 9: The inflationary universe (ch. 12)
- Week 10: Large scale structure of the universe (ch. 13, 14, 15)
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Updated: 2001 Jan 1
Copyright © 2001, Barbara Ryden