SDSS Technical Publication List

As noted in the publication policy, all SDSS papers should reference the appropriate technical publications. This sentence is interpreted fairly strictly, so if you don't reference all of the appropriate technical papers you can expect a reminder from your friendly local Scientific Publications Coordinator.

The CoCo has agreed that only technical papers that have been written and submitted are required to be referenced. You are of course welcome and encouraged to reference the appropriate "in preparation" technical papers, but they will not be listed here. At the end of this list are conference papers that can substitute as technical references for journal articles that have not yet been submitted, but these references are optional and are provided here for the convenience of authors. I am happy to add to this list -- please send me suggestions.

The list of technical papers is expected to grow rapidly in the next few months. I will try to keep this page up to date, and you should always consult it before posting an SDSS manuscript to the publication index. Please let me know if you notice missing technical references.

Any SDSS publication should reference

If you are dealing with objects anywhere near the survey limit, you will certainly need to mention the use of asinh magnitudes and reference If you are dealing with the quasar or galaxy samples, you should reference the corresponding target selection papers If the tiling procedure is at all important to your analysis, you should also reference

Now to some conference papers that can serve as substitute references for technical journal articles yet to be written. Please let me know of additions to this list, with complete reference information.

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Updated: 2002, April 9[dhw]