Astronomy 162
Introduction to Stellar, Galactic, & Extragalactic Astronomy
Winter Quarter 2003
MoTuWeThFr 10:30am
1008 Evans Lab
Prof. Barbara Ryden
Office: 4035 McPherson Lab (fourth floor), 140 W. 18th Ave.
Office Hours: Tu, We, Fr 9 am - 10:30 am (or by appointment)
Phone: 292-4562
TA: James Pizagno
Office: 4004 McPherson Lab, 140 W. 18th Ave.
Office Hours: Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr 2 - 3 pm (or by appointment)
Phone: 292-9994
Required Text:
Universe (sixth edition) by
Roger A. Freedman and William J. Kauffmann III
(W. H. Freeman & Co., New York, 2002)
Exams & Grading
There will be four in-class quizzes and a final exam.
In-class quizzes will cover the material in the lectures and readings since
the previous quiz; the final examination will be comprehensive. The
in-class quizzes will be held on alternate Fridays, starting on
January 24. Please mark your calendars with the dates: January
24, February 7, February 21, and March 7. All quizes
will be closed-book, closed-notes, multiple-choice tests.
I will drop the lowest grade of the four quizzes and combine the
remaining grades with the final exam grade to compute your overall course
grade. The quizzes and final will account for 60% and
40% of the final grade, respectively.
Makeup Policy
Makeup quizzes are only offered by arrangement with the instructor;
advance notice is appreciated whenever possible.
The final must be taken by all students. If you miss the final, you will
automatically receive a grade of incomplete (I) that will have to be made
up by a written exam during the Summer or Fall quarter.
General Final Exam (Monday, March 17, 9:30 am - 11:18 am, in
1008 Evans Lab)
The final examination is scheduled for Monday, March 17, from
9:30am until 11:18am in 1008 Evans Lab (the same room as
lectures). The final will be
comprehensive, covering all lectures and assigned readings, and of the same
format as the in-class quizzes (only longer). It is worth 40% of the final
grade. No makeup final will be offered.
Graduating Seniors
The final exam for graduating seniors will be
at a time & place to be arranged. To take the Senior
Final you must be graduating in Spring Quarter.
Lecture & Reading Schedule
- Week 1:
The Sun
- Reading: Ch. 18
- Week 2:
The Properties of Stars
- Reading: Ch. 19
- Week 3:
The Birth of Stars
- Reading: Ch. 20
- QUIZ 1: Friday, January 24
- Week 4:
The Life & Death of Stars
- Reading: Ch. 21, 22
- Week 5:
Stellar Corpses
- Reading: Ch. 23
- QUIZ 2: Friday, February 7
- Week 6:
Black Holes
- Reading: Ch. 24
- Week 7:
Our Galaxy
- Reading: Ch. 25
- QUIZ 3: Friday, February 21
- Week 8:
Other Galaxies
- Reading: Ch. 26, 27
- Week 9:
- Reading: Ch. 28
- QUIZ 4: Friday, March 7
- Week 10:
Cosmological Speculations
- Reading: Ch. 29, 30
Exam Schedule
- Quiz 1: Friday, January 24, in class
- Quiz 2: Friday, February 7, in class
- Quiz 3: Friday, February 21, in class
- Quiz 4: Friday, March 7, in class
- Final Exam: Monday, March 17, 9:30am - 11:18 am,
1008 Evans Lab
- Senior Final: To be determined
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Updated: 2003 Jan 3
Copyright © 2003, Barbara Ryden