Astronomy 1101

Todd Thompson
Department of Astronomy
The Ohio State University

The Expanding Universe

Key Ideas

Hubble's Law
Galaxies are receding from us.
Recession velocity gets larger with distance.

The Hubble Parameter (H0)
Measures the present-day rate of expansion of the Universe.

Cosmological Redshifts
Due to the expansion of space
Redshift distances
Redshift maps of the Universe

Key Ideas

V = H0 d

Discovery of Expansion

1917: work by Vesto Slipher at Lowell Observatory


Most galaxies are rapidly receding from us.

Hubble's Discovery

1929: Edwin Hubble measured distances to 25 galaxies:


Systematic expansion of the Universe.

Hubble's Data in 1929
Edwin Hubble's 1929 expansion data (Graphic by R. Pogge)

Hubble and Humason's Data in 1931
Refined version by Hubble & Humason in 1931
[Based on the data in the original Astrophysical Journal papers.]
(Graphic by R. Pogge)

Hubble's Law

Hubble's Law
(Graphic by R. Pogge)
v = recession velocity in km/sec
d = distance in Mpc
H0 = expansion rate today (Hubble Parameter)

In words:

The more distant a galaxy, the faster its recession velocity.


Hubble's Law demonstrates that the Universe is expanding in a systematic way:


Nature of the Expansion

General Expansion of Spacetime:

What is the recession velocity?

Expanding Universe Schematic

As the Universe get 2x larger, the distances between galaxies get 2x larger.


While the distances between galaxies increase over time, the sizes of the galaxies remain the same. This is because galaxies are bound together by gravitation locally, and so do not share in the global expansion of spacetime around them.

Hubble Parameter: H0

Measures the rate of expansion of the Universe today.

H0 is very hard to measure

Cosmological Redshifts

All galaxies (with very few exceptions) are receding from us.

The recession is quantified in terms of the "cosmological redshift" of the galaxy, z:

Cosmological Redshift Formula
(Graphic by R. Pogge) The above is not a Doppler Shift! It measures the expansion of spacetime, not motions through space.

As the universe expands, light waves get stretched out:

Animated GIF of Cosmological Redshift, courtesy of Wayne Hu, at the University of Chicago.

Redshift Distances

For relatively nearby galaxies, the redshift is directly proportional to the distance, through the Hubble Law:
Hubble Distance Formula for nearby galaxies
(Graphic by R. Pogge) where
z = cosmological redshift
c = speed of light
This formula is only valid for relatively nearby galaxies.


Nonetheless, because cosmological redshift is a direct observable related to distance, it used as a surrogate for distance, especially for distant galaxies.

Mapping the Universe

We can map the large-scale distribution of galaxies using their cosmological redshifts.

The largest map to date is from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey, which includes about 220,000 galaxies:

Sloan Digital Sky Survey

Dedicated 2.5-meter telescope in New Mexico

Making images of 1/4 of the sky in 5 colors:

Redshift Survey:

One of the results will be a 3D map of a large segment of the local universe.

Updated/modified 2014, Todd Thompson
Copyright Richard W. Pogge, All Rights Reserved.