Sultana Nurun Nahar


TEXTBOOK: ATOMIC ASTROPHYS AND SPECTROCOPY (A.K. Pradhan and S.N Nahar, Cambridge University press, 2011)

Bridging Physics & Astronomy - Bridging Physics & Astronomy

Authors: Anil K. Pradhan and Sultana N. Nahar

Cambridge University Press, Jan 2011, ISBN: 9780521825368

  • Detailed information (p.1), Book Chapters (p.2)

  • Detailed Contents


    Typos were found and some additions are useful For notes on the book, check the following:

  • Notes, Updates, Corrections


  • Paperback edition of the book is now available on print-on-demand paperback programme of Cambridge. (check format below "Add to cart" on the right), January 2015

  • Some best seller rank records of the book at Amazon, 2011

  • Amazon page of AAS with reviews, Discount price at Amazon

  • OSU Authors' Reception, Pictures of the event, picture of S.N. Nahar's giving speech was published in the special issue of ODI honoring Dr. F. Hale, DRUM (p.2, top right), March 8, 2012

  • In Physics Today: under New Books category: "Atomic Astrophysics and Spectroscopy", September 2011

    - NASA/ADS page: - Atomic Astrophysics and Spectroscopy

  • In OSU Arts & Sciences News Updates, Section "Award-winning Faculty/Staff/ Students": "Ohio State astronomers Anil K. Pradhan and Sultana N. Nahar’s textbook, Atomic Astrophysics and Spectroscopy, was published by Cambridge University Press", February 2, 2011


    Book Reviews (Cambridge website, first two on the back book cover and third one posted by Cambridge):

    1. Review by Dimitri Mihalas, G. C. McVittie Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois and Laboratory Fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory

    "Advance praise:'This is a very important book that bridges the gap between modern atomic physics and modern astrophysics. It covers all the essential subjects, and is very well written. I think it will be of considerable value to research workers in both broad areas, to professors who wish to teach about the subjects, and to students. I expect that it will be very well received by both communities. I'm happy that Cambridge [University Press] will add this book to its distinguished series of books in physics and astrophysics.'

    2. Review by Dr. Robert Williams , Space Telescope Science Institute and President of the IAU

    "Pradhan and Nahar have written the most coherent discussion of atomic processes that produce radiation in astrophysical thermal environments that I have read to date. Descriptions of the theoretical underpinnings of the processes are well balanced with the presentation of analytic relations that are necessary for the analysis of spectroscopic data. A great deal of ground is covered in the book and one of its strengths is that it provides the quantum mechanical basis for the processes while also giving the practical applications that are needed to interpret spectral features in astronomical objects. I highly recommend the book to spectroscopists as a fundamental resource."

    3. Review by Alexander Dalgarno, Phillips Professor of Astronomy, Harvard University

    "The discipline of Atomic Physics lies at the heart of Astrophysics. Most of what we know about the Universe is brought to us by radiation in the form of photons and it is the study of the spectra of the radiation that is our main source for understanding the nature of the Universe. The photons are modified on their journey to us by absorption, emission and scattering by atomic processes which provide a powerful diagnostic probe of the space through which they travel. The essential data that are observed are the spectral lines of the elements in their various ionization stages which the lines identify. The line strengths enable the element abundances to be determined and the physical characteristics of temperature,density and magnetic field and radiation intensity to be derived. By studying the atomic processes that control the physics of astrophysical plasma models of the spectra, the origins of the radiation can be modeled and the formation and evolution of galaxies, stars and planets and their interactions in the interstellar and intergalactic medium can be described. For the data analysis to be effective a secure extensive basis of understanding the extensive range of atomic processes that occur must be secured. Providing it is a major challenge. Atomic Astrophysics and Spectroscopy by two noted practitioners is an important step forward."

  • Review: "Astronomical Spectroscopy: An Introduction to the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Astronomical Spectra, 2nd edn., by Jonathan Tennyson Atomic Astrophyiscs and Spectroscopy, by Anil K. Pradhan and Sultana N. Nahar", Stephen H. Ashworth, J. Contemporary Physics Volume 53, 2012 - Issue 3 Pages 275-276, Published online: 29 Feb 2012

    Comments from others:

    - Dr. Anand Bhatia (NASA):
    "On the weekend, I read about 50 to 60 pages of your book with Anil. I really like it very much. You have developed the subject very clearly and it is a very well written book. I am sure it will be very useful and popular. I was just now telling Aaron Temkin how good the book is. He wants to look at it too. Glen lent it to me.""
    - Prof. Philippe Bendjoya (University of Nice, France)
    " Dear Pr. Pradhan I am Pr. Bendjoya from the University of Nice (France) presently preparing courses for graduate students on spectroscopic and quantum mechanics . I have chosen your excellent book as a support of my lectures and I wanted to thank you and congratulate you and Pr. Nah for this master piece. I would have a request for you about correction of the book  exercises . For sake of rapidity ( I am a little late in the preparation of this new lecture due to a heavy schedule) I tried to find on your website the corrections of the exercises proposed in your book that  I would like to propose (some) to my students. I saw that this section is un preparation. Would you have already some written documents with these corrections that I could use . This will be so kind of you and would allow me a noticable gain of time. Of course I would   perfectly understand that you decline this request with no problem but there is no pain to ask ;-)
    Many thanks in advance 
    sincerely .
    Pr. Philippe Bendjoya
    Web: Email: Philippe.BENDJOYA@unice.fr

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    Created: October 2010