Astronomy 162
Introduction to Stars, Galaxies, & the Universe
Winter Quarter 2006
Prof. Richard Pogge
MTWRF 9:30-10:18pm
1008 Evans Lab
Internet Resources
Final Exam
Copyright Statement
Astronomy 162 is an overview of modern
astrophysics beyond our Solar System, picking up where Astronomy 161
left off. The course is divided into three interlinking parts that will
review what astronomers have learned about the stars, the galaxies, and
the Universe. We will examine how these ideas have been developed and
tested against observations, and explore a few of the outstanding
problems faced by current astronomical research. The questions to be
addressed include: What are stars? Where do stars get their energy?
What is the fate of the Sun and other stars? What are galaxies? What
is the Big Bang model of the Universe? What is "Dark Matter"? What is
the ultimate fate of the Universe?
- 2006 March 16
- The results of the Final Exam
have been posted, and all grades have been computed and turned into the
registrar. Please check your grade through the Office of the University
Registrar through the online Buckeye Link system, as we cannot
provide grade info on this webpage or by email.
- This was a terrific class that was a lot of fun. Best of Luck to
all of you for the rest of your time at OSU!
- My Favorite Astronomy Picture Sites:
- Astronomy Picture of the Day
- NASA Planetary Photojournal
A great collection of planetary images at JPL.
- Latest pictures from the Saturn system
returned by the Cassini spacecraft.
- Latest pictures from
the Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and
- Latest pictures from
the Hubble Space Telescope
- This Week's
Sky at a Glance
- Courtesy of Sky & Telescope Magazine
Lectures are daily 9:30-10:18am in 1008 Evans Lab on the OSU campus in
Columbus. Attendance is strongly encouraged, as not all essential class
material will appear on these webpages.
The links below lead to the lecture notes for this course. These are
only outlines of the lectures, not verbatim transcripts. Notes
will generally become available at the beginning of the week in which
the lectures occur.
- Light, Matter, & Gravity [Jan 3-6]
Part I: The Stars
- Unit 1: "The Stars in Their Courses":
Observed Properties of the Stars [Jan 9-17]
- Unit 2: "The Starry Dynamo":
Stellar Structure & Evolution [Jan 18-27]
- Unit 3: "Death & Transfiguration":
The Endpoints of Stellar Evolution [Jan 30-Feb 2]
Part II: Galaxies & the Universe
- Unit 4: "Island Universes":
The Milky Way & External Galaxies [Feb 6-16]
- Unit 5: "The Machinery of Night":
The Evolving Universe [Feb 20-Mar 2]
Part III: Frontiers
- Unit 6: "The Great Ocean of Truth":
Frontiers of Modern Astronomy [Mar 6-10]
In the past, students have found it very helpful to make copies of these
notes before class, and then follow along with them in lecture,
making their own notes in the margins. You will find this much easier
than trying to take detailed notes of everything I say.
I wish to strongly emphasize that these are only outlines of my lectures
provided as aids to following along in class, not as
substitutes for regularly attendance. Historically, students who have
gotten into the bad habit of skipping class and just reading the web
notes have performed one whole grade point below the class
Copyright Statement
All of the written materials provided in these web pages are copyrighted by the course instructor, except
as noted. In addition, some images and animations are also copyrighted
by the instructor, while others are copyrighted by the original sources.
These latter appear with the written permission of the copyright
holders. Please read the Copyright
Statement before you make copies of any of these web pages for any
purpose. Use of these notes implies that you have read and understood
the copyright statement.
Note about Sources of Graphics and other
materials appearing on these webpages.
Updated: 2006 March 17
Copyright © Richard W. Pogge. All Rights